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Eddy opened the door to Elise's bedroom, looking at how she was curled up on the floor drawing. The art supplies Ray and May had given her had really been a favourite of hers, and she was really making nuve drswings for her age. It was mostly possible to see what it was. Her favourites seemed to be to draw Sharkie or her imaginary friend, the cat.

"Li-Li?" he said softly, looking over at Benjamin out in the kitchen. He was still fine, so he could focus back on his daughter. "It's breakfast time."

"Okay," Elise sighed, putting her pencil down and getting to her feet.

"I made some scrambled eggs. That's your favourite, isn't it?" Eddy said, trying to smile a bit. He honestly wanted to cry when she smiled back at him with the same beautiful smile Brett got when he was excited about something.

"Yeah!" she said, clapping her hands a bit before grabbing Sharkie. "It's Sharkie's favourite too."

"Is it? I didn't know that," Eddy smiled, offering his hand so she could take it if she wanted. "Maybe Sharkie should get some too?"

"Yes please daddy," she smiled, walking over and taking his hand while holding Sharkie in the other.


"It's okay, babyboy. Baba's got you, you're gonna be okay," Brett mumbled, rocking his youngest son carefully. He was probably hungry and scared from all the unfamiliar sounds and people. Brett would be the first to admit that the boys never really met new people, which probably didn't make it better. Crying meant he was breathing, and that's all that mattered really.

"Mr Yang?" a nurse asked as he entered the room with a polite smile. Brett looked up and gave him a small smile back.

"That's me," he said, rocking Aiden carefully. "Any news?"

"Yes, the doctor will stop by in fifteen minutes or so to tell you whatbthey have found. Mind if I take a look at the boy, though?"

"Is it serious?" Brett asked, licking his lips. "Does he need surgery or..?"

"The doctor will let you know, mr Yang. I'm just here to make sure he's not making any funny sounds while breathing," the nurse said, getting a stethoscope from his pocket. "May I?"

Brett blinked a few times.
"Oh uh yes, of course. Sorry," he said, shaking his head. "How do you want him?"

"If you could lift his shirt so I can listen to his back first, please," the nurse said with a another of his polite smiles. "And don't worry about it, I understand your need to know. I'm a dad myself."

Aiden quieted down, probably from the surprise of the cold stethoscope on his back. Brett kissed his forehead carefully.

"He's my youngest, and he had a bunch of problems when he was born so it's easy to go back into worrying about him like we used to," Brett said softly, stroking Aiden's cheek carefully to keep him calm. "We wouldn't have noticed he was choking before it was too late if it wasn't for his sister telling us something was wrong."

"Oh he's got an older sister? How old is she?" the nurse asked, indicating to Brett to turn the boy.

"Almost two. It's her birthday soon," Brett said with a small smile.

"Better give her a great birthday, then, for saving her brother's life," the nurse said, stepping back when he was finished listening to his breathing. "Everything sounds good. The doctor will be here shortly."

"Thank you," Brett said, pulling Aiden's shirt down. Yeah, they'd have to make it a great birthday for her.

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