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"Dada?" Elise asked, pulling the leg of his sweatshorts to get his attention. She had somehow managed to move to where he was cooking dinner for him and Brett as well as some soft veggies for Elise to enjoy. He turned his attention away from the pot he was stirring for a moment to look down at her.

"Yeah, baby?" he asked, seeing she had her shark on her arm as well. "Did baba leave you?"

Eddy leaned back to look into the living room, and sure enough Brett wasn't there. He furrowed his brows and switched off the stove. Where was he?
"Let's go find baba, yeah?" he mumbled, lifting Elise up to sit on his hip.

"Yeeeaaa, babaaa..." Elise mumbled, looking down at her shark and ending up patting its head while dada began searching the house.

"Brett?" Eddy asked out loud, peeking into their bedroom. No Brett there. He then looked into the bathroom and Elise's room, but Brett was nowhere to be found. A hint of worry manifested itself in the bottom of Eddy's stomach.

Just as he was about to head down to the cellar to see if he was there, Brett came back up with the case for the tiny violin they had bought for a skit a few years ago in his hand. On his back was his own violin case. Eddy raised an eyebrow at him.

"I figured it'd be nice for Elise to... to try...?" Brett said with an innocent smile. God, Eddy loved that smile. "I mean, she's seen us play, she seems interested..."

"I suppose, yeah. I guess there's no harm in letting her try..." Eddy said, looking to Elise who seemed busy studying her shark for a bit. "But maybe not start a forty hour practice regime just yet, hm?"

"Pa'tissss... Yeahhh..." Elise mumbled absentmindedly as a reply, mostly concentrating on the shark and how its fins were in an awkward looking position. She straightened them up carefully. Brett chuckled a little at her adorable response.

"Yeah, practice. Wanna try to play violin with baba while daddy finishes cooking dinner for us?" Eddy asked her as Brett went to put both violin cases down on the coffee table. He would certainly be listening in if she was interested in this.

"Yeah!" Elise shrieked, suddenly forgetting about her shark and kicking her legs to be put down so she could run off to baba. Eddy chuckled softly, but did as she requested, watching her almost stumble over her own feet with excitement as she scurried over to Brett.

"Alright, princess, we gotta calm down just a tiny little bit before playing so we don't break anything, okay?" Brett told her softly, sitting down on his knees om the floor so he'd be a good height to help her out.

Eddy smiled to himself at the sight of his boyfriend having their daughter put her shark to watch them on the couch, but turned to continue his cooking after that. He'd get his moment with her later. This one was Brett's.

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