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Brett loved waking up refreshed after a nap with Eddy's arms held tightly around his waist and his hit breath tickling his neck. It wasn't often they could cuddle like this anymore as they needed to be able to get up for the boys at night without waking the other. It was nice, though.

He missed it, just being two people in love. Brett missed being with his boyfriend.

"You're awake," Eddy hummed softly behind him, and his hand that until now had rested against his chest slid down to his stomach. Brett's first instinct was to try and move away so Eddy wouldn't feel the fat, but he immediately overruled that reaction. They had worked on this in therapy, and Brett reminded himself that having a small amount of fat, he was in fact not fat. The pictures they had compared him with had told him he was in fact average, and that he had been skinny before.

It wasn't perfectly fool-proof, and in bad days he still felt the need to live on nothing but air, water and love, but being safely in Eddy's arms like this made this day a good one.

"I am," Brett hummed, scooting closer to Eddy. His butt was definitely brushing slightly against Eddy's groin, which felt nice. Brett didn't mention it, though, as he didn't know if Eddy was up for that. They were supposed to be resting, not exhausting themselves.

"You're so beautiful when you sleep, you know," Eddy hummed softly, kissing the back of his neck. "Makes me fall for you all over again."

"I fall for you every day, Eddy mine," Brett said softly, slowly turning around so he could look at him. Eddy's arms were still resting around his waist, but noe Brett could carefully reach one hand up to caress Eddy's face. "Every time I see you with the kids, every time I see your smile, every time we laugh together."

"Stop out-romancing me, I'm trying to woo you here," Eddy giggled jokingly, pressing a kiss to Brett's lips. It didn't last too long as neither of them could contain their laughter.

"Well, I'm trying to woo YOU," Brett giggled, placing a light kiss below Eddy's jawline. "And it seems to be working."

"Let me woo you for once, You've been wooing me for years already!" Eddy chuckled, shifting them to lean over him with his arm next to Brett's head instead of lying next to him.

Brett blinked a few times, trying to make his brain do things again. It felt like he had forgotten how to breathe. Eddy was gorgeous, and while it was a bit intimidating to have his boyfriend's body weight pressing him slightly into the bed, he couldn't help but feel aroused by it.

"Okay," he said, his voice bouncing an octave up on the second half of the word. The smirk that formed on Eddy's lips in response made his cheeks burn.

"Thank you, baby," Eddy purred, carefully leaning down for another kiss.

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