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Dinner had been amazing, the wine had been amazing and the idea to get their old Nintendo switch out from the boxes to play some smash like they used to in the old days was amazing. Brett loved Eddy's smile when he said yes to it on the promise they'd pack it back up before the kids came home. Wouldn't want it destroyed, after all.

"You gonna be Peach again?" Brett asked with a chuckle while they selected their characters for what had to be the fiftieth time. "Gotta get you a dress like that soon. You'd be cute in pink."

"Yeah? Maybe for Elise. She'd be a cute princess peach," Eddy hummed softly. "And the twins can be Mario and Luigi."

"Who are we gonna be then? Frigging Toad and Dasiy?" Brett joked, but didn't get a reply as the game started.

Eddy always was quiet in the beginning, and as the game progressed and he got increasingly frustrated he got more vocal. Brett couldn't help but smile at that, finding his boyfriend endearing.

"Goddammittttt..!" Eddy groaned when he was yeeted off the platform once again. Brett couldn't help but grin as he waited for Peach to appear back on the screen. "How can I suck this bad?!"

"You don't suck, you're just no match for my Ling Ling gaming skills!" Brett joked, reaching over and patting Eddy's thigh.

"Fine, I give up! I can't win," Eddy said with a pout once the game told him he had indeed lost once again. He put his joycons down on the table and instead wrapped his arms around Brett's waist. "Now I'm sad."

Brett snorted, reaching for his wine glass before leaning against Eddy.
"My poor Eddy. How can I make you feel better?" he asked, emptying the glass. During the course of the game they had emptied the bottle, which wasn't really enough to make them drunk, but both were definitely tipsy.

"Hmmm... I'll think about it," Eddy said with a soft giggle, kissing Brett's cheek. "You know I love you, though?"

Brett furrowed his brows, looking up at him.
"Yeah..? Of course I know. Something wrong, love?" he asked softly, turning around to look up at him. He didn't look like something was wrong, but the shy smile on his lips made Brett think maybe he was... Nervous?

"No, no, nothing is wrong. This is perfect actually," Eddy hummed softly, placing a soft, short kiss to his lips. "There actually is something you can do for me to make me feel better about losing."

"Yeah? What's that?" Brett asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Grab me the little drawstring bag from my jacket pocket by the door?" Eddy said with the most innocent of smiles. This made Brett really curious. What was he plotting?

"Sure, love," Brett said softly, slowly standing up and shuffling over to the front door. His mind was trying to figure out what on Earth Eddy was planning.

"Don't peek inside!" Eddy called out to him just in time for Brett to stick his hand into the pocket of Eddy's denim jacket and feeling something velvety. He pulled it out and sure enough he was presented with a dark blue velvet drawstring bag that clearly held something inside.

"Alright alright," Brett hummed, studying the outside of it as he hesded back to Eddy on the couch. "You gotta tell me what it is, though."

"You'll figure it out," Eddy chuckled, pulling him down into his lap. "Because it is for you."

"Yeah?" Brett asked, tilting his head. He had no clue what it could be.

"Yeah, if you want it. It's... I wanted to ask you if..." Eddy began, taking a deep breath.

Just then Brett's phone started vibrating on the table, interrupting Eddy's little speech. Brett reached over and grabbed it. He didn't love the fact that the contact popping up on the screen was Ray's.

Closer 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora