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"Hey boys," Brett whispered to hos youngest in the incubator and the oldest in the crib. Neither of them were allowed home yet, but Brett knew Eddy needed him for just one night. They had talked to the nurses, who had even promised to video call them to let them know how they were throughout the night, and Brett wanted to hug them blue when they said it.

"I just wanted to say that daddy and I love you so much, and we'll be back tomorrow morning, okay? It's just that I need to take care if daddy for a bit tonight," Brett continued to explain, though there was no way they understood. "Nurse Hannah and nurse Kathy is gonns take good care of you while we're away, okay? They promised, and they're the ones who have taken care of you while baba and daddy has been sleeping anyway."

Brett walked up to Benjamin's crib, carefully stroking his cheek.
"Someone will be with you all the time, they promised," he told Benjamin. "But if not, you gotta look after each other okay? Especially you, Benjamin, gotta look after Aiden. He's all fragile still, you know."

Of course, Benjamin didn't understand, but Brett still wanted to tell him. Just in case.

"You heading off now, baba?" nurse Hannah, the night shift nurse who had helped him hold Benjamin the first time, asked with a smile. "I'll be here for the first few hours, and then Kathy will take over at around three."

"Yeah, I'm heading off. Just wanted to let them know we love them," Brett said with a small smile. Eddy had already went home with Elise, and his mom was picking him up to get him home to him.

That was another thing Brett had some guilt about. The fact that he nevet visited his mom anymore. He would have to make up for that when they let the boys out of hospital.

"Okay, I'll call at midnight and if anything happens, and Kathy will message you at the start of her shift, okay?"

"Okay," Brett confirmed with a small nod. "I'll see you tomorrow, boys."

And then he headed off, going fast so he didn't have time to hesitate. His mom was already waiting in the pickup spot, so he had no reason to delay it any longer. He knew the boys were in safe hands.

Walking into their new house to the smell of takeaway and directly into Eddy's arms were amazing. Just being able to be them, and be boyfriends for the evening while Elise slept was something Brett hadn't known he desired, but now realized he really needed. This wasn't just for Eddy anymore, it was for both of them.

"I love you, Eddy, I love you so much. Thank you," Brett mumbled into Eddy's shoulder as his arms had wrapped around Eddy's torso, and Eddy's around him, pressing him into his chest like he wanted to melt together with him

"I love you too, Bretty mine. I missed you so much," Eddy mumbled, squeezing his eyes shut. "Let's eat while the food is warm, and then..."

"And then we'll be together. Yes, let's do that," Brett finished for him, slowly releasing the hug. "I'm starving."

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