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It was surreal how quickly things moved after that. They had called up Leonora and told her what they had decided, they had signed the contract, and it felt like they had barely blinked before they were sending Elise off with Auntie Belle to not be in the way. Belle had been so surprised when they told her what was going on, and even a bit sceptical but happy. She had no problems with being an aunt again, of course. Everything was moving so fast.

"Are we sure this is a good idea?" Brett asked, standing up to walk across the room for the millionth time. Leonora was supposed to show up any time now for the insemination. She was bringing everything needed, though they had wired her money for it. They had only barely spoken about this one week ago.

"I... I mean, are we not?" Eddy asked, looking up at Brett. He was nervous about the fact that Brett was going to jerk him off in the room next door to Leonora, about the fact he was about to make someone pregnant and help create life, but not about if they were ready. He really thought they were, or at least would be once they got used to the thought. "Do you have doubts?"

"I don't know, I hope so?" Brett said, licking his lips. He felt tense and uneasy, and a bit in the way, really. He wasn't really needed for this stage at all. It would actually probably be easier to send Eddy off to do it on his own rather than have him help out, but it was nice Eddy let him to be a part of it. A very small part.

"I mean, we didn't really feel ready for Elise until she was here, right?" Eddy asked, picking on the sleeve of his sweater.

"Right," Brett nodded, grabbing a cookie from the plate on the table they had prepared for Leonora to nibble on.

"I mean, unless you've... I mean, have you changed your mind?" Eddy asked, swallowing hard. "I mean, I get it's quick and I get it's... We didn't have much time to talk about it..."

"No, no," Brett exhaled, sitting down next to Eddy and taking his hand. "We're doing this, okay? I know you want this, and I want this too."

"You're sure?" Eddy asked, meeting Brett's eyes. He gave his hand a squeeze, and Brett opened his mouth to reply just as the doorbell rang and Eddy bounced off the couch like a cat that just discovered a cucumber in its vicinity.

"That's probably her," Brett said, but Eddy was way ahead of him, already at the door. Brett made his way over to him just as he opened the door. He placed his arm around Eddy's waist.

"Hey guys!" Leonora smiled warmly at them, giving them a group hug. "Big day today, huh?"

"Very much so," Eddy nodded, getting a grin on his lips that made Brett's heart flutter. They could do this. This made Eddy so happy, and Brett thought it could be nice too. It would be a good thing.

"Let's head inside and go over everything one more time, yeah?" Brett suggested with a small smile, pulling Eddy aside to let Leonora in. He could feel Eddy's nervous bounce, and he honestly couldn't blame him. He was nervous too, really really nervous.

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