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The scene unfolding in front of him was beautiful, and he was honestly so grateful to all the gods or nature forces that allowed him to see this despite his screw up. To get to see his little girl meet her brother for the first time, watch her wave and say hi, and not to mention to see Eddy's proud smile and hear him praising her. It was amazing.

Everything came crashing down when Elise became aware of his presence and responding by clinging to Eddy like her life depended on it.
"Hey," Brett said, his throat being all thick again. Elise looked up at daddy to see what the right response here was.

"Hey love," Eddy said calmly, stroking Elise's back carefully to let her know it was okay. "You feeling a bit better?"

"Yeah I... I'm sorry," Brett said, letting his gaze drop to the floor. He could stop fiddling with the sleeve of his sweater, and it felt like someone was sitting on his chest. "I messed up."

"I dont think I'm the right person to apologize to, really," Eddy commented before turning his eyes over to Elise who was clinging to his arm now like a little koala.

"I think you deserve the apology too. You won't get that first moment with Benjamin back, and I ruined that for you," Brett sighed, running a hand through his hair to keep it out of his eyes. "But you're right. I should talk to her."

Elise was paying attention to the conversation despite not understanding what it really was about. She didn't really think baba would hurt her or anything, but she didn't want to do anything wrong again, didn't want to be yelled at.

"Li-Li, baby?" Brett asked softly after a moment of silence, squatting down to be on her height. "Can I talk to you? Wanna come over here for a bit?"

Elise hesitated, looking up at daddy to see what she should do. She didn't even have Sharkie for support as they had forgotten him at the new, big house.

"Go over and hear what baba has to say, baby," Eddy encouraged her softly with a small smile. "It's okay."

Brett was so relieved to see her let Eddy go and come over to him, even though she was hesitant. At least she would listen, at least he had a chance of explaining.

"Baba's so sorry for yelling at you before," Brett said softly once she was right in front of him. "I know I scared you, and I didn't mean to. I love you so much, and baba promises that he'll try to make sure he never yells at you like that again. Promise."

Elise watched him, not really understanding everything. She knew the word 'sorry' though, because that's what they said to say in daycare when you had hurt someone on accident.

"Can I have a hug, baby?"

Was baba crying? It looked like baba was crying, his cheeks were all wet and his voice all weird. Elise didn't want baba to be sad.

"Hug," Elise confirmed, taking the last few steps into baba's arms to hug him.

"I love you so much, Elise. You're my little girl, and I'm so sorry I scared you," Brett repeated, stroking her back. "I'll make it up to you, okay? How about we go get some yummy ice cream in the kiosk downstairs?"

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