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"Uh, no? That hasn't... The option hasn't existed..." Eddy replied after clearing his throat. Brett looked like he had forgotten how to be human. "What... What are you even trying to suggest?"

"So uh, I know it's maybe a bit forward and..." Leonora began, licking her lips. "Just, I know how it is to grow up as an only child. It gets lonely, and I don't want that for her. It was nice being pregnant with her, I wouldn't mind doing it again, you know?"

"You talked about money, though?" Eddy asked, shifting Elise to sit on his other thigh as the one she was currently sitting on wss falling asleep. "Where does that fit in?"

"So, it's not legal for you to pay me, but 'reasonable expenses' is okay, so my offer here is really that if you pay my rent for a year I'll carry your child for you," Leonora explained, eyes moving between Brett and Eddy. Brett still hadn't opened his mouth.

"You do realize we live in Australia, right? And you in London?" Eddy asked, running a hand through his hair. His heart was beating out of his chest.

"Yeah, and you'd obviously have to be here for a bit before the birth if you want to be present for that," Leonora said with a shrug. "Look, I had Law write up a contract so you can see everything. Just look at it and think about it, yeah?"

"I don't even know if we want another child," Eddy mumbled, looking over at Brett who still had his mouth open. Eddy pushed hus elbow into Brett's side to pull him back to Earth.

"We'll have to talk about it," Brett nodded while Leonora found a folded document for them to look at and handed ut to him. Brett opened it, but the words on the page didn't make sense. His brain wouldn't cooperate.

"Just, it'll have to happen while you're here, though, obviously," Leonora pointed out, tightening her ponytail again. "Look, I know it's sudden, but I really need help with finances and honestly I want to do it for you guys, and for her. I want her to have a sibling she can look at and feel like looks like her, even if you're the biological father this time."

She looked at Eddy as she said the last sentence, and Eddy's heart felt like it was beating out of his chest. He could be the biological father? That was an option too?
His mouth fell half open like Brett's had been just a moment ago as he processed this.
"W... We'll have to talk about it," Eddy said, slowly this time. "We appreciate the offer, though. Thank you."

"Yeah, thank you," Brett squeaked, licking his lips. Leonora gave them a smile.

"Honestly, though? There's no one else I would want to do it for. You are so good with her, and I'm grateful Elise is with you," Leonora said as the café girl came over with the grilled cheeses for all of them. "Let's eat, guys. You'll need the energy."

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