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"Haaaappy birthday to you..." Eddy began, and Brett was quick to chime in. The twins had already been picked up by the grandmothers. Today would be Elise's day despite Eddy having a panic attack five minutes after they had left because of what happened to Aiden. He had gathered himself, made his mom promise to never let her eyes off him, and to text him once every hour to let him know Aiden was okay.

"Happy biiirthday to youu.." they sang, and Elise sat up in her bed with confusion written on her face. Brett smiled at her, hoping she'd like the cupcake they had stolen from the dessert table to have for breakfast.

"Happy birthday dear Li-Li! Happy birthday to you," they finished up, cheering after. "Happy birthday, Li-Li sweetie!"

Elise giggled a bit, cheering with them. She got Sharkie into her arms and stood up in bed.
"Yummy!" she said, pointing to the cupcake. The two adults chuckled a bit, and Eddy lifted her out of her crib.

"Yeah! Today we have scrambled eggs and cupcake for breakfast, because it is your birthday!" Eddy informed her, kissing her cheek. "You are two years old today!"

"Screggs!" the little girl, who was growing up way too fast for her dads' liking, squealed excitedly. She kicked her legs like she used to when happy when she was  younger, and Brett felt a pang of guilt from seeing it. She just hadn't had any reason to be this excited in a long time.

"Yeah, let's go! It's all ready," Eddy grinned, kissing her cheek as he carried her out to the kitchen to sit in the high chair. It was difficult to get her in it because she was wiggling so much, but they managed.

It wasn't until after they had eaten most of the scrambled eggs that Elise realized something was very different about their table setting and the people around the table. She tilted her head, trying to figure it out for herself like she usually would have to if she didn't know something, but couldn't, so she decided to ask.

"Daddy?" she asked softly, pausing her eating of the cupcake.

"Yes, princess?"

"Where bo?"

"Your brothers aren't here today, so that we can spend some time just with you today," Daddy informed her with an unsure smile. "They're staying with grandma and nainai for today."

"Oh okay," Elise nodded, going back to eating her cupcake. Brett furrowed his brows a bit, noticing her change of mood.

"Are you okay with them being away, Li-Li?" Brett asked her softly, and ahe looked up at him just as she put a piece of cupcake in her mouth. She chewed it slowly as she seemed to consider it.

"Yeaaah..." she answered, turning her attention back to the cupcake. She sounded unsure.

Brett looked up at Eddy, who had the same confused look as him. They thought she didn't like them, so why was she so weird about them not being here?

"Do you want to video call to see your brothers?" Eddy finally decided to ask, a bit unsure if that was the right question. It seemed to be, as Elise perked up a bit.

"Yes please, daddy," she said with a big smile. "Bo!"

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