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The twins took about ten minutes aftwr arriving to fall asleep for their mid-day nap in their cribs, and May had only Elise to worry about for the next hour or so, which was probably for the better as her whole body felt off today.

"Auntie?" Elise asked, pulling slightly on her sleeve to get her attention. May smiled at her and squatted down to be on her height. That really pulled on her back, but it wasn't too bad.

"Yes, Li-Li?" she asked, but Elise just walked into her for a hug.

"Cuddles?" the little girl asked softly, hanging around May's neck like a scarf. May chuckled softly, really wanting to lift her up and carry hwr over to the couch, but her back didn't seem to agree with that right then.

"Yeah, we can cuddle. Do you wanna walk to the couch with me, then?" May asked, trying to let her go so she could. Elise clinged tighter.

"Carryyy..." she whined, holding onto May tightly. She had no idea how much May would love to do that.

"I can't, baby girl, my back has an ouchie," May informed her, kissing her forehead. "But you can sit on my lap on the couch, if you want?"

Elise seemed to consider it for a moment with a pout on her face, but slowly let May go.
"Okayyy..." she said, still a bit whiny but at least she did as asked, which definitely was a lot better than what she used to.

May stood back up and took Elise's hand.
"Let's go," she sing-song, and Elise giggled, leading the way and climbing up on the couch once they got there.

"You sit in my lap!" Elise grinned, patting her thighs once she got comfortable. May chuckled a bit.

"Oh, I think I'm a bit too heavy, Li-Li." She thought the little girl was adorable, though. It was difficult to not think so, honestly. She sat down next to her instead. "It's probably better if you sit in my lap."

"Okaaayy," Elise said, crawling into May's lap. It took a bit of adjusting until she was comfortable, but eventually she relaxed against her.

"You comfy?" May asked, holding her securely. Her stomach felt a bit funny now too, but it was probably just the milk she had for breakfast that wasn't as fine one day past the date as she thought it was.

"Yeahhhh," Elise hummed, looking about as sleepy now as Benjamin and Aiden had been a few minutes ago.

May carefully brushed her bangs out of her face.
"Are you sleepy, little one?" she asked her, stroking her back. Elise gave her a little nod and a yawned a bit.

"Do you want a nap too, like Bee and Ai?" May asked, kissing her forehead carefully. "You can if you wanna."

"Hmmm..." Elise mumbled, trying to seem like she was thinking about it. She was already slowly closing her eyes, though.

"You gonna nap?" May asked with a small smile, kissing her head to wake her enough for a reply.


It wasn't long after that until she rested her head heavily against her chest and drifted off. Poor girl had probably been holding her dads up all night again.

May wasn't really sure what she would do, though, as her stomach seemed to gradually get more unhappy. She figured she would have to put Elise down eventually to head out to the bathroom, but she delayed it as much as she could. It would be so much easier if she was sleeping heavily.

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