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A few days passed and the cut on Brett's head had healed nicely. They had decided to go out to check out Big Ben and London Eye.

"The queue is like a million kilometers long," Brett groaned, leaning slightly onto Eddy. Elise was sitting securely on Belle's arm, waving at people who was on the way out from the large ferris wheel. Waving was a new thing she had discovered that day, and she was making the most of it.

"We have only been here like fifteen minutes," Belle chuckled, shaking her head. "You'll live."

"I don't know, sorry Eddy, might die from standing in line here..." Brett joked, and Eddy shook his head at him with a snort.

"No you won't," he chuckled, placing his arm tightly around his waist. "I'll carry you if you're too tired."

"I'd like to see you try," Brett snorted, sticking his tongue out at him, causing Eddy to try and grab him to prove he could lift him.

Belle watched these two idiots play around for a bit before turning to Elise.
"Dad and baba are really silly, aren't they?" she chuckled as Elise waved at a group of teenagers walking past.

"Oh my god, that's... Oh my god, TwoSet!" one of them said loudly, pulling Brett and Eddy put of their play fight just as Eddy had managed to lift Brett a few centimeters off the ground. He slowly set him back down with an innocent grin.

"That's us, how can we help?"


The fan encounter lasted the entire rest of the line and they didn't say goodbye to them until they stepped onto the cart, getting lucky to have a cart to themselves because the group behind them was large.

At this point, Elise decided she wanted to sit with baba instead of auntie, which Belle was okay with as her arms were getting sore.

"How are you doing, babygirl? You having fun waving at people, huh?" Brett asked her, helping her stand on the seat next to him to look out the window towards the Thames. "Having fun seeing all these new things?"

"Ahhhh!" Elise shrieked, placing her little palm on the window as they started moving. She turned to look at Baba to make sure he was paying attention too.

"Yeah, it's the water. The river," Brett said with a smile, letting hwr stand on her own for the most part but held one hand securely on her side to make sure she wouldn't fall. "And it's London."

Elise was happy with Baba's answer and turned back to look out the window. Belle and Eddy had made themselves busy with some sibling selfies, but Brett was too engulfed in this experience with his daughter to pay attention to them.

"Look there, Li-Li, it's a bridge," Brett told her, pointing for her. Elise took a hold of his finger instead and sat down backwards into Brett's lap. She looked up at Brett with her bright blue eyes.

"The bridge wasn't interesting, huh?" he asked her, smiling when she placed a hand on his cheek. He took it gently and kissed it, causing her to giggle. "That's okay, babygirl. You don't have to be interested in bridges, baba loves you anyway."

Elise patted his cheek with her small uncoordinated hand for a bit before leaning against him, making Brett react by hugging her gently.
"Babaaa," she said in a soft voice followed by a bunch of happy babbling. Brett's jaw dropped to the floor, and Belle and Eddy quieted down.

"What did she say?" Eddy asked, a grin forming on his face.

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