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Brett tried to understand what he was looking at. He pressed on the picture Leonora had taken of the ultrasound pictures and zoomed in, trying to figure out why something looked off. He found some arrows pointing to different blobs on the picture, and he zoomed into one of them.

"Baby B...?" he read out loud, sounding unsure. He looked up from the phone at Eddy who seemed about three seconds from breaking into tears again. Brett looked back at the picture, zooming into the other arrow. Baby A.

Brett blinked a few times, trying to process the information. Then he looked again to confirm there were only baby A and baby B. No baby C.

"It's uh... It's twins?" Brett asked, clearing his throat. He didn't know what to say, or feel even. He looked back up at Eddy, whose tears ran down his cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, I know you were already worried about it being too much work and..." Eddy tried to say, but Brett puller him into a tight hug, making him shut up.

"Shh, baby, it's not your fault at all. We'll make it work, okay? It's not a problem, it's just more... more joy, yeah?" Brett tried to comfort him. Yeah, he was terrified. Two more babies. He had no idea how they'd manage that. "It's a good thing."

"You don't have to pretend," Eddy sobbed, burying his face in Brett's shoulder. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I didn't know it would be like this. If I knew I would never have..."

"Eddy mine, listen to me for a bit yeah?" Brett said, moving back slightly to see Eddy and wipe his tears. It hurt to see Eddy so broken.

"Please don't be angry," Eddy squeaked, lower lip trembling. "Please don't break up with me or anything, I'm so sorry. I'll be up with them every night, you don't have to d..."

"Eddy, listen to me," Brett interrupted him firmly, placing a careful kiss on his quivering lip to calm him down. "I was hesitant, and I have a million worries, but I said I'd do this with you. We're doing this together."

"You said that when there was only one kid. You didn't sign up for this," Eddy sniffled, trying to wipe his own tears.

"You didn't sign up for two either, but we're getting two now and that's a good thing," Brett said, wiping Eddy's tears with his thumb. "Two mini-you. How can that not be a good thing, ey?"

"Because you didn't want that," Eddy said quietly, trying to gather himself. "I just want... Want to give you the opportunity to back out..."

"Eddy, baby, I would never back out on you. I love you, and I am so sorry I'm not able to get super excited about everything and pull you down with that, but I want to do this with you okay?" Brett said, kissing him softly. "If for nothing else, at least for seeing the way you smile about it."

"Okay," Eddy sniffled, hugging Brett tightly. "Thank you, Brett. I'm sorry, though. We should have talked more about it, though."

"I think so too, but it's happening now and it's gonna be good," Brett mumbled, stroking Eddy's back. "Promise."

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