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Normally she loved coming home to the beautiful sound of her boyfriend practicing. Most of the time it reminded her of their first date in the park after getting Sharkie back to Elise when she had asked if he was any good at the violin. Usually it would make her smile as she remembered the first time he played for her, how nervous he had been, and how completely blown back she had been by the amazing tone and how the music just flowed.

Right now, though, it just reminded her that he was this amazing, talented man, and she was nothing but a loser who couldn't even land a simple jump. She didn't say anything as she took her shoes off, though, and tried to sneak to the shower without Ray noticing.

"You're home," Ray smiled, stopping mid phrase and putting his violin down. A moment later he had taken the few steps over to her and pulled her into his arms for a hug just like he did every day when she came home. "How was your day?"

May couldn't really help but to bury her face in his collarbone as her lower lip quivered with all the frustration she had felt the whole day. She couldn't answer, though, as that would push her over to hysterical crying.

"Hm?" Ray asked, moving back a bit to carefully tilt her head up so he could look at her. His eyes furrowed with worry when he saw the quivering lip and big, sad eyes. "Oh May mine, it's okay, it's okay. What's going on?"

The careful kiss to her forehead was what made the tears spill, and the tight hug after made it so easy to allow the sobs as well. She had no idea why she had been such a crybaby recently, having cried in Ray's safe arms at least three times the past two weeks.

"Talk to me, love, what's wrong?" Ray requested, stroking her back.

"I... I just... I couldn't land the j... the jump..." May sobbed, feeling so silly about having such a strong reaction over such a small thing. "It's such an easy jump too a... and nothing's working like it used t... to..."

Ray stayed quiet as he listened, just holding her securely. Once her voice trailed into more sobs than words, he spoke up.
"It's okay to struggle with so called simple things, because sometimes there's more to them than you can see," he said softly, kissing the side of her head carefully. "And sometimes things change making things that used to be easy hard, and that's okay too."

May listened to his calm voice, trying to use the soothing sound to pull herself out of this emotional train wreck situation.

"Besides, you've been out flat for a long time. You gotta give yourself time to get back into it."

"I know, I just... It's so frustrating..." she sniffled, pulling slightly back to try and wipe her own tears. "I'm sorry, it was a silly thing to cry about."

"Don't worry about that, lovely. I'd hold you any day," Ray smiled, helping her with the last few tears that had ran down her cheeks. "How about you jump in the shower and I cook you something?"

May smiled a bit. He was so sweet and caring, it was honestly amazing.
"Actually, I had cake on the way home, so I think I'll wait a bit before I eat," she said softly, smiling innocently up at him. "But I'd love to cuddle some, if that's okay with you."

"I'll finish practicing while you shower then, and we'll watch a movie and cuddle after," Ray said, kissing her quickly. "Can't wait."

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