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It was all worth it to Eddy when he walked into his big sister's arms in a good hug and hearing her tell his daughter how much she had grown since last time they met, watching how Elise hid her face in Brett's neck as she didn't recognize her auntie. It was perfect, and the fact that Brett had thought of doing all this for him was emotionally overwhelming.

"Come on, Eddy, it's just me. You've never cried seeing me before," Belle teased him, patting his back.

"I know, I just... I don't know, I missed you, big sis," he squeaked, wiping his tears before hugging his sister tightly. "I know I'm being silly."

Elise squealed to get Eddy's attention, making everyone turn to her, which of course made her all shy again.

"You're so loud, baby," Brett chuckled softly, kissing her cheek. He was tired from Elise's crying most of the flight already, and he just prayed she wouldn't start again. At least not until they were out of view of the public. It was already tiring to be out and about.

"Maybe we should head home," Belle suggested with a smile, reaching out to stroke Elise's arm. "It's been a long flight for you."

The taxi ride back to Belle's place was a quiet one as Elise had fallen asleep and nobody wanted to risk waking her. Even as Belle ran inside to set up the travel crib she had borrowed from a friend of hers, Brett dragged the suitcases inside up to the second floor where Belle's apartment was, Elise stayed asleep in Eddy's arms after he had gently lifted her out if the car seat. Nobody even questioned the task divisions as it was way past Elise's bedtime.

After putting Elise to bed in the converted music room that she, Brett and Eddy would share for the stay, the three adults sat in the living room with a late dinner Belle got from a Chinese restaurant across the street. Or, Belle and Eddy sat with a late night dinner. Brett had a few bites of his and decided to save the rest for lunch the following day.

"She's really grown a lot since last time," Belle commented with a warm, but a bit sad smile as she grabbed a new bite from her takwaway box. "Sucks that I can't see her more often, really."

"I should be better at sending you pictures or video chat or something. I want her to have her auntie in her life," Eddy said, chewing on his food. "I'll be better at it, promise. I'll even put Brett on it."

"Hey now, I've got enough with my side of the family," Brett chuckled, shaking his head as he came back from putting his food in the fridge. He kissed Eddy's cheek before sitting down next to him. "You've got like two people to send pictures to, I've got like a million!"

The conversation gradually turned into more yawns than words and the three decided it would be better to continue in the morning. They had a whole month after all.

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