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Elise looked over at her brothers lying side by side on the little blanket, making weird sounds. One in red and one in blue. She used to be angry with them being here, so very angry. Why did they have to come and ruin everything? Why couldn't she have baba and daddy to herself? She didn't understand why baba and daddy and everyone else liked them so much and wanted to be with them all the time and not with her.

She had learned that being mean to them would only make baba and dada angry, though, and besides she wasn't as angry anymore. They didn't seem to do much, just kind of lying around and making weird sounds. She found she didn't really mind them, but baba and dada still kept her away from them.

Nowadays she was more sad about the fact baba and daddy didn't seem to love her as much anymore. They were always angry with her, and when they weren't they would probably be soon. That's why she didn't want to help daddy cook, because she would probably do something wrong and make him angry.

She had thought that maybe when auntie Belle came to visit she could go sleepover at her house forever, but then she of course loved her brothers more too so that didn't work out either. It was fine. Sharkie still loved her, and the kitty came and kept her company too sometimes.

What took up most of her brain power right now, though, was the new weird sounds the blue brother was making. She had never heard anyone make a sound like that before. Almost like coughing, but not really. It kind of scared her, especially when the red brother started flailing his arms more while the blue brother, the coughing sounding one, started to look almost blue in the face too.

"Baba?" she called out loud, getting to her feet. She wasn't really old enough to understand exactly what was wrong, but she knew something was.

"I'll be there in a second, babygirl," baba answered from the kitchen, but she wasn't satisfied with thst answer. Especially not as the sounds stopped and was replaced by looking like he wss trying to cough but wasn't able to.

"Baba!" she called again, worry in her voice this time. She felt scared, and tears began running down her cheeks because of it. "Bo!"

It was quiet in the kitchen for a moment before the sound of baba's quick steps were heard coming towards them.

"Oh my god!" Baba exclaimed once he saw them, quickly picking up the blue brother who was slowly turning bluer. "Eddy!"

The terror in baba's voice made her freeze in place. She didn't understand what was going on other than the fact that daddy suddenly was on the phone while baba hit her brother on the back. Baba was crying, daddy was crying, the red brother was crying, she was crying.

She eventually decided to sit down next to the red brother and try to hold his little hand as she watched baba and daddy. The little one seemed particularly scared, even more than her, and when she was scared baba or daddy usually would hold her hand. She thought it could be nice to do the same for him.

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