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"You guys ready, then?" Leonora asked in the other end, grinning widely at them through the video. She had shown them how much her belly had grown, they had been there when the doctor explained how their twins were growing. Eddy was so excited he could jump up and down, but he kept his posture so Brett wouldn't feel bad.

Brett was sleepy, as it was 1am in Brisbane and he had been up with Elise early that morning. He fought to stay up, resting his head on Eddy's shoulder and suppressing yawns. Eddy would probably be hurt if he went to bed instead.

"We're ready," Eddy beamed, and again Brett felt that familiar envy of Leonora's ability to make Eddy smile like that. He had gotten used to it now, though. It happened every time the two of them called or video chatted, which seemed to happen a lot these days.

"Alright, then," the lady who would be doing the ultrasound smiled, gesturing for Leonora to lay down. She propped the phone up on a nearby table so that Brett and Eddy would see everything going on before doing so and pulling her shirt up.

Seeing the little bump on Leonora's stomach made Brett feel weird. He couldn't really place it. Kind of somewhere between nerves and nausea. He turned his head to kiss Eddy's cheek as an excuse not to look as the weird gel the used for ultrasound was poured on her stomach. He wasn't really sure if the feeling he had was good or bad.

Eddy held his breath as the scanner thing was placed on Leonora's stomach.

"You wanted to know the genders, yes?" the woman asked with a smirk that told them she probably knew. Both Eddy and Leonora nodded eagerly while Brett found strength to look back at the screen.

"They'll be the same gender, as they seem to be identical," the lady informed them, and Eddy looked like he would pass out any second now. "And I'm happy to tell you guys it looks like it's two baby boys."

Brett's heart skipped a beat and a smile played on his lips for a bit before he looked down at his hands with burning cheeks. He hadn't expected to have a reaction at all.

Eddy squealed, opening his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Leonora chuckled softly.
"Well, there you have it."

"Thank you so much," Eddy squeaked, and a moment later Leonora gave a wave and ended the video call as she and Eddy had agreed so it would be Brett and Eddy's moment, not Brett, Eddy and Leonora's.

"I love you so much," Eddy exhaled, pulling Brett into a tight hug. He wanted to jump up and down with excitement, but as it seemed his boyfriend wasn't in that kind of mood he contained it. It was a bit of a silly reaction anyway.

Brett blinked a few times, surprised at the unexpected hug.
"I love you too, Eddy," he mumbled, hugging hin tightly back. He still had that tiny hint of a smile on his lips. "Two boys, huh?"

"Two boys," Eddy nodded, really not able to hold back the big smile even as he pulled back from the hug. "Thank you for doing this with me, Brett. I know it's only made every difficult for you and... and I know it's selfish of me to be this excited... I just..."

"It's not," Brett interrupted him quickly, shaking his head. "It's not selfish, of course you are excited for y... I mean our two mini-yous. It's gonna be great."

"Our boys," Eddy nodded, looking down at his hands. "I'm sorry it's become all difficult anyway, though."

"I'd go through anything to see you this happy, Eddy," Brett said with a small smile, letting his hand find Eddy's cheek carefully. "Besides, I guess I'm getting used to the thought."

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