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Brett felt off as they walked together under the umbrella, and Eddy could feel it. Elise was with Belle in her apartment, as they hadn't brought any rain gear for her. That was something they'd have to do the next day.

Tonight, though, Brett and he was going out for dinner together in London, which would be great if it wasn't for the fact that Brett hadn't said a single word since they left the apartment.

"London is nice," Eddy said, trying to start conversation. He didn't like this quiet Brett with his eyes glued to the ground. "Got some cool old buildings."

"Yeah," Brett said, making a point of looking up at a building they were passing before sticking his eyes back to the ground and wrap his arms around himself.

"Bretty mine," Eddy sighed, stopping them and wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him into a hug. "What's wrong? You've been feeling off all day."

"I'm sorry," Brett mumbled, trying to push Eddy to the side so they wouldn't be blocking the entire sidewalk for everyone. "I'm fine, don't worry about me. I've just had a bit of a headache."

"Why didn't you tell me? We could have stayed home?" Eddy asked softly, pressing a kiss to Brett's forehead, mainly to see if he had a fever as well. It didn't feel like it. "I could've taken care of you."

"It's not too bad, Eddy, don't worry about it, please," Brett said, kissing Eddy softly to try and assure him. "Let's go, you haven't eaten since breakfast."

"Neither have you, silly," Eddy chuckled softly, taking his hand and leading him down the street again. The rain was picking up its pace now, so getting indoors was a priority. Brett said not to worry, so he wouldn't.

"That's okay, I'm not really hungry," Brett said, following Eddy's quick pace and secretly loving the extra exercise despite still feeling the run from this morning in his legs.

"How can you not be? You've only had a sandwich today," Eddy pointed out as they rounded the corner to the restaurant. He looked back at Brett just in time to see his light shrug.

"I guess I'm just not as hungry lately," he said as if it was nothing. Eddy furrowed his brows.

"You know that doesn't sound normal at all, right? We can go see a doctor, id you want?"

Brett couldn't help but snort at that, opening the door for them as they got to the restaurant. Eddy gave him a grateful smile and closed and shook off the water of their umbrella before stepping inside followed by Brett.
"I'm not sick, Eddy. Don't worry about it, I still eat."

"I know, I know, I just... I don't know, I have no reason to be worried I guess," Eddy sighed, sneaking an arm around his waist to hold him still while he kissed his cheek. "It's just that you feel off sometime. I'm probably just overreacting."

"You're just taking care of me, baby, it's alright. Let's find somewhere to sit," Brett chuckled, leading the way to one of the more secluded tables.

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