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After speeding through thw streets, they pulled into the driveway of the house they had only seen on pictures so far. The real estate agent and the family man who currently owned the house were waiting outside on the little porch and smiled at them as Eddy rushed out and grabbed Elise from the back seat. Neither of them noticed the smile fading as Brett stepped out from the other side of the car.

"I'm so sorry we're late, had to grab some stuff for our daughter as we couldn't find a babysitter," Brett apologized with an apologetic smile. "You must be mrs Sanders. Brett Yang"

He held out her hand at the real estate agent who took it hesitantly. The family man just gave a weird smile, but didn't take his hand at all.

"And this is my boyfriend, Eddy Chen, and our daughter Elise," Brett continued, not sure why they were acting so weird. Did he have baby poo on him again or something?

"Boyfriend, huh?" the family man who hadn't even introduced himself asked, raising an eyebrow. Brett furrowed his.

"Yeah? Like soon to be fiancé kind of boyfriend?" he said slowly, not sure why he was asking this. The real estate agent took the word after that.

"Let's have a look around, shall we?"

Eddy had to admit, the house was perfect. Four decently sized bedrooms and a loft they could use for filming, a cozy living room, two bathrooms where one was connected to the master bedroom, modern style. Even the garden was nice and pretty low maintenance!

That's why he was so disappointed when they were practically shooed out of the house as soon as they had seen all of it. They hadn't even gotten the details about how they would bid on the house!

"That place is perfect," Eddy sighed, running a hand through his hair as they shut the car doors to go back home. "Everything we wanted."

"Yeah..." Brett began hesitantly as he started the car. "I don't know, Eddy. I have a bad feeling. I think we should look at some more places."

"You think so?" Eddy asked, sounding disappointed. He turned to look out the window at the house as Brett backed out. "It is everything we said we wanted, though."

"I know I just... I don't know," Brett mumbled as he pulled off. "We can call and ask if there's any other bidders and how to make an offer, at least. I think we should look at that house that was listed with four bedrooms even if that means the twins have to share a room or qe have to figure out how to work, just to have something to compare it to."

"You really think that's necessary?" Eddy asked softly, staring out the window.

Brett shrugged a bit as he came to a stop at a red light.
"I don't know, but I have a feeling we won't get this one, and I want to be on the safe side."

Eddy turned to look at him, eyeing him up. Then he leaned in to kiss him softly.
"Okay, babe, we'll go look at other places too. But I'll call them as soon as we're home anyway."


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