39. (nsfw)

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"Fuck, Brett," Eddy whimpered as Brett wrapped his hand gently around his still hardening shaft. "Wait a bit, I'll hold the... Fuck... The cup..."

Brett hummed softly and let Eddy go to lean over and grab the little plastic cup. Looking at it made Brett feel something in between nervous and sad, really, and he was trying to understand why. They were making their baby, this was a happy moment. Why wasn't he excited?

"Thank you, Bretty," Eddy purred as he handed him the cup and wrapped his arms around him again. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, wonderful," Brett hummed softly. It was a wonder to him that Eddy didn't notice how off he was. He could even hear the lack of excitement in his own voice! It was good he didn't, though. Brett didn't want Eddy to worry about this too. He'd figure it out himself, it was probably nothing.

"Please make me feel good now, Bretty, let's make our baby," Eddy said softly, leaning back against Brett's chest. Yeah, their baby. The one they decided to make together. That would be their baby, right?

"I'd love to," Brett told Eddy, kissing his neck and taking a hold of his dick again. Something felt off, and Brett didn't know what to so about it. It was too late, anyway, they had already agreed to this, signed the contract. They wanted this.

"Bretty, I love you, but please... Faster Bretty..." Eddy moaned, shifting slightly in an attempt to get more. Brett kissed his neck again.

Brett did what he wanted, feeling Eddy tense up slightly. He knew that meant he was close.
"You're ready to make that child?" he exhaled into Eddy's ear. He couldn't make himself say 'our child'. Elise was their child for sure, and this time they were both actually involved in making the child! Of course this would be their child too... Right?

"Yeah, oh fu... Brett..!" Eddy gasped, and Brett was quick to make sure Eddy's hand holding the plastic cup steady, as he had a tendency to shiver quite a bit as he came.

Brett held Eddy until he relaxed and caught his breath enough to talk again.
"Bretty, we gotta... That needs to get to her... Fast..." he breathed, and Brett nodded. The bad feeling was just growing stronger as he took the cup from Eddy and scooted back to where the syringe was on the bed. He took it and somehow clumsily managed to get most of it into the syringe.

"You got it?" Eddy asked him with warm cheeks and a smirk that reminded Brett why he had agreed to this. This made Eddy happy.

"Yeah, here," Brett said, handing Eddy the syringe and scooting himself out of the bed. "Let's go get her pregnant."

"Let's," Eddy said with an excited grin, placing an arm around Brett's waist and pulling him into a quick kiss. "I love you, Bretty. I'm so happy we can do this together."

"I'm happy too, Eddy mine," Brett said, trying to match his excited smile. It kind of worked, but not really. Something felt off about this whole situation. He chose to ignore it. "Come on."

He pulled Eddy out of the bedroom, and Leonora stood up to accept the syringe from Eddy.

"I'll be back," Leonora exhaled, giving them a small smile before disappearing into Belle's bathroom. At that point, Eddy pulled him into a tight hug.

"God, it's actually happening," he squealed, and Brett gave a small nod. Yeah, Eddy was gonna be a dad now. And... and Brett too... Yeah?

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