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"Hey you two," Leonora smiled, giving both of them a warm hug. Brett couldn't help but notice how Eddy hugged her slightly tighter, but he brushed it off. For his hug, he mostly felt awkward and like he wanted to back into the brick wall behind him. "You ready for this?"

"So ready," Eddy said with a big, toothy grin, almost bouncing a bit. Brett thought it was adorable, but he still had that little ball of nasty feelings in the bottom of his stomach. Why couldn't it be him who made Eddy this happy? It was the 21st century, why wasn't it possible for two men to have kids together yet?

"Yeah, I'm ready," Brett said, feeling Eddy take his hand and squeezing it. It didn't make Brett feel any better.

"Awesome, let's head inside," Leonora grinned, leading them in through the doors of the doctor's office.

They went to talk to the receptionist and was told they were slightly behind so they'd have to wait for a bit and to sit down. Eddy ended up sitting between Brett and Leonora, still with his hand in Brett's.

"So do you... I mean, do you feel pregnant? Like how sure are you?" Eddy asked her, and Brett rested his head on Eddy's shoulder. It was stupid of him to feel crap, because they had already talked about this. He should be happy, they were having a child! Why wasn't he happy?!

"Yeah, I... I really don't doubt it at all. This is just formalities to me," Leonora chuckled softly, smiling up at Eddy. "I don't know how to explain it, because I haven't had morning sickness or anything like that, but... I feel different. And a bit bloated, maybe? I don't know."

Brett gave Eddy's hand a squeeze to remind him he was still there. Sure he was completely unnecessary in all this, but he wanted to pretend he wasn't. Eddy did squeeze his hand back, but was mostly turned to Leonora still.

"I'm so excited, you have no idea," Eddy grinned at her. "Will we get like an ultrasound and stuff?"

"Probably not today," Leonora chuckled, shaking her head. "We can ask, though."

"When do we get that?" Eddy asked her, and Brett closed his eyes. He thought that maybe he should've stayed back and packed the last few items instead. Maybe he should've, at least just to feel how Eddy felt with not being included with Elise.

"I don't know, Eddy," Leonora said with a small smile. "I skipped the first three months of this last time, you know."

"Right," Eddy said with a nod, taking a deep breath. He was nervous, and it was really obvious to anyone he was.

"Miss Thomassen?"

All of them looked up when Leonora was called over the loudspeakers, and they got up. Eddy gave Brett's hand a firm squeeze, and Leonora looked over at them with a small smile.

"Let's go then, I guess," she grinned, leading the way to hwr doctor's office.

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