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"Hey wonderful, wanna meet me for dinner?" Ray asked into the phone as he walked down the street. Elise had been put to bed and Brett and Eddy seemed like they had their stuff together, and Ray felt like the talk with Elise would be what pushed him to be brave and just do it.

"Sure babe, I'm gotta shower real quick, though. Just came home from class," May said in the other end, and he could hear her move around in what he assumed was her apartment. "It's gonna be a bit, though. Where do you wanna meet?"

"How about I come to your place instead, then? I'm not that far," Ray suggested, pausing his walking as he just approached the crossroad he would have to make the choice. "I can bring food."

"If you don't mind the mess, sure," May chuckled, sounding almost nervous like she often did after mentioning her so-called mess. Her place was always pretty spotless. At worst maybe she had a pot still out from cooking the day before and a pair of pants on the floor.

"You know I don't mind," Ray snorted, shaking his head. He began heading towards her apartment, a tiny two room one. Still pretty good for a student, though. "What do you wanna eat?"

"How about something from the pizza place here?"

"Sure, I'll grab a pizza," Ray chuckled, running a hand through his hair. She always suggested they have pizza when he came over. "Just cheese today or are we doing the taco pizza?"

"Ohh, now that you mention the taco pizza I really want that," May said, half moaning at the thought of the good food. "Please, Ray, get me the taco pizza."

Ray snickered at the teasing they had made a joke of since they started dating.
"Alright, I'll get it for you. I'll be there in a bit."

"You remember the door code?" May asked as he heard the sound of her bathroom door close and the switch in sound quality as she out him pn speakerphone. "Just let yourself in if I'm not out of the shower yet."

"Of course I remember, it's the same as my birthday," Ray said with a smile. The funny part about that was that she actually didn't choose the code.

"Okay, babe, I'll head into the shower then. I'll see you soon," May said in the other end with a soft giggle, the kind Ray couldn't help but smile from.

"I'll see you soon, beautiful," Ray said with a soft sigh before they hung up the phone. He looked down at the contact picture of her, finding himself smiling like an idiot for a moment before putting his phone away. He could do this. It felt right.

He decided to drop by the flower shop on the way too and grab her some flowers, deciding on a bouquet of colourful roses. It felt right. Taco pizza and roses. What's a better way to convince a girl to be your girlfriend than that?

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