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Being in an airport with a child under one year of age wasn't too bad. It almost made Eddy feel like the very long plane ride would be fine. Even when she cried, she wasn't really that loud compared to the noise of the people stressing past around them.

It wasn't until Elise screamed the entire way up to crusing altitude and then kept crying for another hour after that Eddy was thankful they had chosen to make a layover in Dubai with a nice hotel by the airport they got relatively cheap.

"Wanna swap?" Brett asked, followed by a yawn. He had fallen asleep the second Elise quieted down, leaving Eddy in the aisle seat to take care of her most of the flight. Sure, she had her own seat in between them with what looked like a car seat strapped in, but there was no way in hell she wanted to be quiet there. It wasn't long until they were landing now, though, which likely would cause another round of crying. "You can sleep a bit the last half hour before we land."

"That would be nice, actually," Eddy sighed, looking down at Elise who was playing with her shark. "Wanna go to baba for a while so daddy can sleep?"

She looked up at him when he talked, reaching up to touch his face. Eddy kissed her hand gently before handing her over to Brett. He felt almost guilty about the relief of getting thirty minutes without her, but he knew breaks were necessary to continue being a good dad for her.

"Wanna look outside, babygirl?" Brett asked her, letting her stand between his legs on the seat so she could look out the window. That was only interesting for a few minutes before she sat down in Brett's lap playing with Sharkie again. Brett caught himself thinking maybe they should try and introduce some new toys to her.

He looked over at Eddy, who had rested his head back against the seat. Out like a light, of course, and had he seen him knocked out like that two years ago he would have taken a picture to laugh at later. It felt like a silly thing to do now. Instead, he felt the need to make him more comfortable. To make sure he wouldn't wake up with a sore neck.

Unfortunately, there wasn't much he could do about Eddy's awkward sleeping position, and a moment later he felt a tiny, slightly wet hand on his cheek.
"Did you chew on your hand again, huh?" Brett asked, finding a rag to wipe her hand and chin with. "I know it's uncomfortable to get teeth, but since you already have a few you'll chew your hands raw baby."

Elise tried to pull her hand away as it was being wiped, and had it in her mouth again as soon as Brett had his eyes off her for the moment it took to put away the rag.
"Alright, we'll get you some chewing toys first thing when we land in London. Maybe even in Dubai if they sell some nearby."

He had barely finished his sentence before the ding of the PA system sounded and the captain announced they were landing.

"Sorry baby, I know you hate sitting there but you gotta," Brett muttered as he lifted Elise to strap her in her seat.

"Bababababaaaa!" Elise shrieked the moment he let her go to put his own seatbelt on. Brett sighed as he felt the entire plane tremble with the annoyance of the other passengers.

"I know baby, I'm sorry," Brett mumbled, reaching over to hold her small, wet hand.

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