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"How is she?" Eddy asked the moment Brett entered their little hospital room with the dimmed lights and the two incubators where the twins slept. Brett gave him a sad smile, but placed the bubble tea he had brought on a table and took his shoes off before answering.

"She misses us, obviously," Brett sighed, dragging his feet over to Eddy. Eddy didn't need more than a glance to know Brett wished to sit in his lap, which Eddy immediately let him.

"Did she cry a lot?" Eddy asked softly, placing his long arms around his emotionally exhausted and tired boyfriend. Brett nodded.

"I've never seen her so desperate. It felt like I was abandoning her," Brett mumbled quietly, closing his eyes to stop the tears from forming. "I can't wait until we can be a complete family again, because I hate choosing between the kids, but if something happens to the boys..."

"I know, Bretty mine. And we'll be together all of us soon, yeah?" Eddy said, just wanting to comfort him. "I miss her so much too."

It got quiet for a moment as one of the boys made a small whiny sound while moving slightly. Those sounds were the only thing that made them feel real right now, so no matter who was talking, they always shushed them to be able to hear. That was never necessary between them, though.

Eddy was the one to speak when it got quiet again.
"Do you think Ray or May could bring her here to meet the boys and hang out for a bit, though?" he suggested softly, looking down at Brett who had nuzzled his face into the crook of his neck. "I guess she won't remember much, but... but so that she'll feel part of everything?"

Brett thought about it for a bit, looking over at the boys.
"I'm just worried we'll scare her if something happens while she's here," he mumbled, shaking his head slightly. "It's not like we can explain why her brothers are in glass cages to her. She won't understand."

"I think you're underestimating our girl now, honestly," Eddy chuckled softly, kissing Brett's cheek. "She's a smart kid, just like her baba is a smart guy. I think if we explain it as they having ouchies and that the glass is to protect them for a bit, she'll understand."

"Maybe you're right. It's so difficult to judge what she will understand and what she won't," Brett mumbled softly. "We can ask them tomorrow if they have time at all."

"That's a very good start," Eddy chuckled softly, stroking Brett's back carefully. "She'll have to meet them eventually anyway, though. Might as well be right away."

"I guess you're right, yeah," Brett exhaled, opening his eyes again to glance over at their boys. The urge to hold them and protect them from the world that way was constantly murring in the back of his mind, but he knew he couldn't.

"How about we have some of that bubble tea you brought back for us?" Eddy suggested softly, placing a kiss to his forehead.

"Sounds good, I had completely forgotten about it," Brett chuckled, getting up to fetch it. It would be a nice break from the hospital coffee.

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