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The light was peeking through the curtains, waking her up slowly. It was still quiet, even after what felt like a very long while of just lying there. Where was baba and daddy? Where was SHE even? She didn't really recognize this room.

"Baba?" she asked into the room, pushing herself up in a sitting position. Sharkie was lying next to her, and she pulled him into her arms for comfort. "Dada?"

When some time passed without any reply, she decided to pull herself into a standing position in the bed.
"Dadaa!" she said louder, considering if she would be able to sneak out between the bars. Unfortunately, her head was too big. "Baba!"

Elise perked up a bit when she saw a familiar character sneak in the crack in the door.
"Kitty!" she exclaimed excitedly, bouncing a bit because she wanted to be let out. The cat wouldn't come to her, it seemed, so she'd have to come too the kitty.

It was incredibly difficult to pull herself up the bars and get her leg over. She did fall on her but once she got over, but her diaper softened her fall so it wasn't too bad. She sat there for a moment in surprise before looking back just in time to see the kitty leave the room.

"Kittyy!" she said a bit disappointed, starting to follow it. She gently pushed her door open, looking around to try and see if she could see the kitty.

"Meow," she heard, and turned her head towards the sound. She giggled when she saw the kitty on the couch.

"Meow!" Elise responded happily, running over to it and crashing into the couch like she often did with tons of giggles. This time though, that made baba's iPad that had been lying on the armrest fall down and hit the floor.

Brett jolted awake when he heard a crash from the living room followed by the sound of his daughter crying. He could tell Eddy had woken up next to him too, but he didn't bother checking with him before running out to the living room in just his boxers.

He let out a sigh of relief when he found his daughter standing next to the couch, looking over at the fallen iPad. The iPad absolutely did not matter to Brett in that moment.

"Shit, baby, you scared me," he muttered, lifting her into his arms and sitting down on the couch. "How'd you get out here anyway, huh? Have you started climbing out if your bed?"

Brett rocked her a bit hugging her to his chest.
"You're okay, you're okay," he mumbled as Eddy came out of the bedroom too, a bit more dressed than him. He went and picked up the iPad. His face upon seeing the screen told Brett it didn't look good.

"Kitty," Elise sniffled, hugging baba. The kitty had disappeared when the iPad had crashed to the floor, and she didn't even get to pet it. "Kitty gone."

"What kitty, baby?" baba asked, wiping her tears with his thumb. "There's no kitty here?"

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