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Ray was so tired, he could barely stand as he looked around the arrival hall. He was still keeping up his upbeat appearance, but it was only a mask. His bed was calling for him all the way from his apartment in Brisbane, and he couldn't wait to close his eyes and drift off.

His eyes shifted slowly over the crowd of people, searching for his ride back home and the woman he'd snuggle up with as he rested after weeks apart. He jumped in surprise when he felt skinny arms sneaking around his torso from the side, and he looked down to find who he had been searching for this whole time.

"Hey wonderful," Ray said softly, hugging May back. She looked up at him with a big smile and tiptoed up to kiss him.

"Hey, how was your flight?" she asked softly, taking his backpack from him so he wouldn't have to carry both that and his violin case back to the car.

"Long," Ray sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I can't wait to lay down for a bit."

May took his hand and lead them through the airport, and he squeezed her smaller hand gently. He had missed holding it.

"That's the problem with living in Australia, I'm afraid," she chuckled softly. "Don't worry, you can sleep on the way back to yours."

"Will you stay with me tonight?" Ray asked her on the way out through the revolving doors, and she turned to look up at him with her beautiful green eyes.

"If you want me to?" she chuckled softly as they headed towards the short term parking area. "I have to leave early for class tomorrow, though."

"That's alright, we'll only do some sleeping anyway," Ray said, trying to jokingly make it sound like he was suggesting they would normally have sex. Normally, they would play video games, still not having reached the level of intimacy required for sex in their relationship.

"Alright, I'm in. All for a good night's sleep," May smiled up at him, giving his hand a squeeze as they found her car, a small VW polo in the most horrendous green the world had ever seen. She unlocked it and opened the trunk for him to put his suitcase and violin in.

"It's gonna be the best sleep in forever. Let me tell you, travel is exhausting," Ray smiled as he put everything into the small trunk and shut the door.

"I believe you mr world famous violin soloist," May teased, referencing their first date in the park where he had rather humbly described his level of fame and skill. "Let's go, then."

"One thing first," Ray said with a grin May knew all too well. He took her hand again and pulled her closer.

"What?" she asked almost as a purr, but instead of answering he leaned down and placed a soft and gentle kiss to her lips while sneaking his arms around her waist.

"Thank you for picking me up today," he hummed softly as he slowly let her go. "You're the best."

"Nah, that's you, babe," May giggled, going around the car to sit in the driver's seat. Time to go.

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