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Eddy had quieted down completely after that, and Brett had felt the need to take care of his obviously upset boyfriend. Sure he worried about what made him so upset, but Eddy needed him first.

After drying Eddy off, dressing him and making sure he was comfortable on the couch, Brett had made them a cup of tea each and sat down next to him. The fact that Eddy had said a word since they left the shower made Brett worry it was something he had done.

Eddy shakily lifted the cup to his lips and took a careful sip of the hot tea, flinching when he burnt his lip.

"How are you feeling, love?" Brett asked, reaching over and placing one hand on Eddy's knee. Eddy's breath hitched as he tried not to cry.

"I... I'm sorry, I c... could have made tea..." Eddy stuttered, eyes glued to the cup in his hand. He had made himself small, looking like he tried to disappear into the couch. "Fuck, Brett, I'm... God, just please don't be angrybor upset or..."

"I don't even know what I would be angry about, love," Brett said, sounding much calmer than he felt. What on earth was going on?

"I know, I just... I know you didn't really want this and I know you were worried it would be too much work, and now it's become even more work and I can't do anything about it... I can't fix it, Brett, and I'm so sorry I forced you to say yes to this..."

Brett listened as Eddy rambled and sobbed, trying to understand what he was talking about. He did figure some things out.
"Is something wrong with our baby, Eddy?" he asked, trying to make sense of his words. "Was something shown on the ultrasound?"

Eddy paused his rambling and looked up at Brett with teary eyes. He lifted his cup and took another shaky sip of the tea. A tear ran down his cheek and dripped off his cheekbone into the tea as he did.

"Talk to me, Eddy, please? I don't understand why I would be angry at you. We agreed on doing it together, I'm with you on this, Eddy," Brett said, putting his cup aside. Stupid tea was just in the way anyway. "Please tell me what's going on."

"I'm sorry I talked you into it," Eddy whispered shakily. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have. We should have thought more about it, we..."

"Eddy," Brett said, firmer now but not stern. "What is going on? Talk to me before you bury yourself, please? Like you want me to do."

Eddy looked up and met Brett's eyes for a moment. Then he opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but nothing came out. He looked away again, looking like he tried to find the words. After a while he put his tea cup down next to Brett's and reached into his pocket to get his phone.

Without a word he found the text message conversation with Leonora and handed Brett the phone.
"Just... Just... " Eddy stuttered, closing his eyes as if he expected to be hit. "Just s...see for yours...self."

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