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//short summary for those who don't read the nsfw ones: They did the do w Eddy cuffed to the bed and then as they were getting done Eddy passed out//

Eddy slowly blinked his eyes open as he landed back on Earth. His head hurt slightly, but is was fading away so it would be fine.

"Oh my god thank fuck," Brett exhaled, carefully stroking Eddy's cheek. Eddy tried to reach to place his hand over Brett's, but found himself still cuffed to the bed.

"Mmm... Aren't we done yet?" Eddy asked groggily, looking up at Brett and then up at the cuffs.

"We are done, I'm sorry, I didn't think..." Brett mumbled, scrambling to get the keys off the bedside table to unlock him. "You should have told me you wasn't feeling well, though, I would have stopped."

"Wasn't feeling well?" Eddy asked, sitting up and rubbing his wrists for a bit before Brett hugged him despite being covered in cum. "I've never felt that well in my life."

"You passed out, Eddy. Yoy scared the living crap put of me," Brett exhaled, still not letting the hug go. Eddy placed his arms around him.

"It felt fucking amazing, though," Eddy mumbled, kissing Brett's neck carefully. "Let's go shower before Belle comes home."

"No, no, just relax a bit first. I don't want you passing out again," Brett said quickly, caressing his back. "We have another one and a half hours. It'll be fine."

"We gotta change the sheets too," Eddy mumbled, hugging Brett tightly. "I'm fine, love, promise. You just made me feel so good my brain couldn't deal with it I guess."

"Let me get you some water at least," Brett said, moving slightly away from the hug to look at him properly, to make sure he was actually okay because he knew how easy it was to lie about that to not worry the other. He found no signs of lies in Eddy's eyes.

"Sounds good, love. Make sure not to get cum everywhere, though," Eddy chuckled softly. He really just wanted to cuddle, but something in him stopped him from asking for it. Usually, he didn't have to. Not since they became a couple and not just friends with benefits anyway.

Brett spun off to find some water, leaving Eddy alone on the bed. He looked down at his wrists, seeing they were a bit sore from the metal rubbing against them. It wasn't too bad, definitely something he could get used to.

"Here, Eddy mine, drink this," Brett said softly as he came back with a glass of water. Eddy took it with a thankful smile and sipped it carefully. He noticed his hands were a bit shaky, but assumed it was from the orgasm still.

"Let's shower together too, yeah?" Brett suggested, reaching over to caress Eddy's cheek. "How about you finish your water and go ahead to heat up the shower and I'll bring the sheets to toss in the washer?"

"Alright, love," Eddy agreed, figuring they'd have time for cuddles in the shower. It was sweet that Brett was taking care of him, though.

He finished up his water as instructed and gathered himself enough to stand up. Brett was right there, making sure he wouldn't fall or anything again. Eddy considered if pretending to pass out again would make Brett cuddle with him, but tossed the thought away. It was silly.

"Be quick then, love, I want to hold you," he told Brett instead, giving him a quick kiss before heading for the bathroom.

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