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It was so insane to think about that their little princess was turning two today. It was insane to think about everything she could do on her own.

They had finished up their practice session and gotten her into something other than her pajamas for a trip to the park. Eddy couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat both with nerves and with love as he watched their little princess climb up the ladder to the slide herself. He knew Brett was right there ready to catch her still, but she had become her own little human now with her own life and opinions.

He suddenly remembered that he had been in the middle of getting the watermelon bites on sticks they had prepared beforehand onto a plastic plate when he spaced out into his thoughts and continued getting them out. It was a nice sunny day, and he was grateful for the trick one of the moms at her daycare had taught him with applying sunscreen with a makeup brush.

"Watermelon is ready!" Eddy called out to his boyfriend and their daughter who was sitting on the top of the slide. She grinned back at him.

"Look daddy!" she shouted excitedly, waiting until she was sure he was paying attention before sliding down into baba's arms at the bottom.

"Good job, Li-Li!" Eddy called back at her with a smile. "Bring baba over here, I've got watermelon for you."


Ray and May eventually made it to Brett and Eddy's house, finding the key under the doormat as they had agreed. May wasn't really feeling great, and she needed the bathroom like hell. As soon as Ray had unlocked the door she ran inside to borrow the bathroom while Ray went back to the car to grab the cake so the whipped cream wouldn't melt.

He honestly didn't know how to help his poor girl who was so much sick recently. It was difficult not to think that maybe it was something serious, that she should see a doctor, but she kept insisting nothing was wrong. Most of the time she seemed fine too, but other times she had incidents like today that kept tearing her down.

The thought that she might be pregnant had hit him almost two months ago, but surely she would've started showing now if that was the case, right? She had been sick for weeks already at that point. Besides, they were always so careful. She was on the pill and he always used condoms. Double protection. 198% secure. There was no way.

He brought the cake inside, putting it in the fridge where Brett and Eddy had cleaned off a shelf for it. It was time to snap out of his worries and start getting the place ready for the birthday party. May would tell him if she needed anything like she always did.

"She's probably right, that it's nothing," he mumbled out loud to himself. "She knows her own body best, after all."

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