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Elise had watched the cat for what felt like forever. The sun had even gotten super bright, making it way too hot to sit by the window anymore. She had gotten up and gone to find daddy to see if he had time to get her a snack now. She found him in one of the rooms she hadn't been in yet, sitting in a chair with one of the dolls in his arms.

"Daddy?" she asked, but was quickly but gently shushed.

"Shh sweetie, your brother just fell asleep," daddy whispered, giving her a small smile before looking down at the doll again. "Come see."

Elise went over to daddy, expecting to be picked up to sit in daddy's lap too. Instead daddy lowered the doll, showing it to her. She looked at it, because that's what daddy wanted, but she didn't like it. The dolls were stupid and she wished they would disappear.

"Isn't he beautiful?" daddy asked, running his finger over the doll's cheek.

"Noo..." Elise mumbled honestly, trying to wrap her small arms around daddy's arm to be close. He pulled away quickly with a surprised inhale.

"Careful, I could've dropped him," he said quickly, pushing her back a few steps and shifting his grip on the doll. Daddy sounded annoyed which made it impossible for Elise not to cry. She didn't want to annoy daddy!

It didn't get better when daddy sighed heavily and stood up.
"Babygirl, it's nothing to cry about," he said, going to put the doll down in the crib. Elise just stood there, tears running down her cheeks.

"Daddy," she requested again, this time holding her arms up to him to be picked up once the doll was in the crib. He did turn to her, he did seem to be picking her up. At least until the doll started screaming, making her jump and cover her ears from the sound. The dolls were so loud!

Daddy squatted down to her instead and gave her a hug. She missed hugging daddy so much!
"Why don't you go find Sharkie and wait on the couch while I help your brother sleep and I'll come soon okay?" he suggested softly, stroking her back.

"Nooo!" Elise whined, grabbing little fists of daddy's t-shirt. "Daddy!"

Eddy sighed softly, kissing his daughter's head. He knew she needed him too, but right now Benjamin was crying and he didn't have the object permanence to know that daddy would be right there. Elise did have that skill. She would be fine.

"Wanna help me, then?" Eddy suggested softly, slowly releasing himself from the hug to a screaming protest from Elise who tried to drag him by his shirt back into the hug. "Come on, help me out with your brother and we can go make some breakfast after."

He carefully got Benjamin back into his arms and went to sit on the floor instead so she could see what he was doing. She didn't seem to be too interested, but he hoped that letting her be involved would give her what she wanted.

"Wanna help me sing to him?" he asked her while trying to rock Benjamin who was crying along with his sister. Elise shook her head and tried to crawl into his lap again alongside Benjamin. The only problem with that was that she didn't take into consideration that Benjamin was there at all.

"Daddy!" she cried next to his ear, trying to wrap her arms around his neck. Eddy felt like time slowed down in that moment as he realized Elise was about to put her foot right on Benjamin's tummy to climb up to hug him. He barely had time to realize it before he had reacted by shifting Benjamin away and push Elise off him, making her fall on her butt and go quiet for a split second before screaming louder than before. He was just grateful when she got to her feet again, seeming to not be hurt by what he had done. That did not stop her crying, though.

"Need help?"

Eddy looked up at Brett who had appeared in the doorway now. He looked like he had woken up a minute ago, which probably was the case. Probably from Elise's screaming.

"Yes plea... Elise!"

He didn't have time to say anything more before catching their daughter slap baby Benjamin's leg as hard as her toddler self could before running off, trying to get past baba in the doorway to escape. Unfortunately, baba was way too quick, grabbing her arm before she could run off.

"Elise Chen! We do not hit anyone, especially not your brothers!"

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