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"Hey, we're back," Brett said sotly, entering the living room with an exhausted Aiden resting on his arm. Belle followed right behind them, but both paused when they saw Eddy, Elise and baby Benjamin together in the couch.

Eddy had Benjamin on his arm and Elise cuddled into his side, helping to hold the bottle they were feeding Benjamin with.

"You're being such a good helper, Li-Li," Eddy said with a smile on his lips. He looked up, acknowledging Brett and Belle entering with their youngest, but didn't move from the position they were in.

Everything had worked out so well, even when Benjamin woke up. Elise had been a bit unsure when daddy had picked up Bee, but when Eddy managed to convince her that Benjamin needed a Sharkie hug and a kiss from big sis everything just worked out.

The best part was the fact that Benjamin actually stopped crying when Elise carefully kissed his head. Eddy's heart had honestly melted into a puddle. Elise had been so proud after, having the biggest grin on her face when Eddy told her she was super helpful. Kind of like the snile forming on her lips right now.

"I help!" she exclaimed happily to baba and auntie. "Look!"

"Wow, are you feeding your brother, hm?" Belle asked her with exaggerated excitement, and Elise nodded, practically beaming with pride.

"Good job, babygirl!" Brett smiled at her, looking to Aiden. He had gotten some milk on the way back, so he was heading straight to bed now. Poor kid was overstimulated from so many new people touching him and cooing at him. Not to mention the coughing that came with almist choking.

Benjamin finished his bottle, and Eddy helped Elise carefully move the bottle away.
"Can you be a good helper again and put this on the table for me?" Eddy asked Elise, referring to the bottle. She nodded eagerly, scooting herself off the couch and getting it from him once both feet were on the ground. The table definitely wasn't too far for Eddy to be able to reach over and put it down himself, but he had discovered that her feeling helpful made her want to hang around instead of going into her room to be by herself.

"Thank you. Could you also grab me that cloth over there?" Eddy asked, pointing to the cloth he had left on the kitchen counter. He didn't realize it was way too high for her to reach until it was too late and she had already run over to try and grab it.

Belle quickly realized that too and made the few strides over to get it down for her. Apparently that was not the right thing to do.

"Nooo!" Elise whined, stomping her feet. "I do it!"

"Baby, you're not tall enough," Bwlle said softly, holding it out to her. "You can still being it over to daddy, see? He's waiting."

Auntie just didn't understand that if she got it off the counter, then auntie could just as well have brought it over. Daddy had asked HER, not auntie, and Elise COULD manage.

"Noo!" Elise shrieked, just frustrated that auntie did not understand. "I do it!"

"Elise, come on. You can bring it still," Eddy tried to say from the couch, but Elise just responded with a loud scream that woke up Aiden and startled Benjamin.

"Elise! Indoor voice," Brett told her, maybe a bit sterner than what was necessary. Unfortunately that was the last tiny thing that ruined all the nice things Eddy and Elise had been building that day.

The little girl just grabbed her shark and ran crying to her room. They just didn't understand!

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