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As expected, there would be no ultrasound today. They did get confirmed that she was in fact pregnant with a blood test, though, and Eddy had jumped up and down like an excited kid and hugged Leonora, telling her how happy he was with one of those smiles Brett could only dream of causing. Sure he had pulled Brett into a hug after, saying he was happy they would be parents, but Brett honestly just felt in the way. He knew it was stupid.

He had managed a smile, though, and to tell Eddy he was excited too. He had even given Eddy a quick kiss befire Eddy's attention was pulled back to Leonora and her doctor. It felt like the world was very slowly falling apart, honestly. Why couldn't he just be happy and excited about this? This was what Eddy wanted. Why couldn't he at the very least be happy for Eddy?


"You ready to go, then?" Eddy asked him when they were ready to head to the airport later that day, snapping Brett out of his thoughts. The taxi was waiting outside, Belle was taking Elise, and it was just about heading downstairs and get in the car.

"Oh uh, yeah," Brett nodded, grabbing the diaper bag. He felt a bit trapped in his head, like he couldn't really focus on what was happening around him. Not ideal for going to an airport with a one year old, but he'd have to manage.

"You okay, babe?" Eddy asked quietly so Belle wouldn't hear. He leaned in slightly closer, stroking his underarm carefully. "Need something before we go? We are a bit early..."

"No, no," Brett mumbled, shaking his head. This was stupid. No need to worry Eddy when it was just him being stupid about the whole thing with Leonora. It was literally no different than he had treated Eddy back when she was pregnant with Elise. Actually, he really had it better than Eddy had, because he was actually offered to be there for all the doctor's appointments. He had nothing to whine about. "Let's go home. The Grandmas probably miss us."

"You guys coming?" Belle asked from the front door, and Elise made a shout that sounded kind of like what Auntie had just said, making Belle chuckle.

"Yep!" Eddy said, taking the backpack from the floor and his suitcase. He looked back at Brett one more time, and somehow Brett managed to give a small smile to assure him.

They ensed up getting into the taxi, with Brett sitting in the front with the driver and Belle, Elise in a car seat and Eddy in the back. Brett was fine with that, feeling like he wanted to be alone for a bit. Wanted to crawl under the covers of their bed, by himself, and just cry for a bit. Maybe he'd be able to when Grandma Chen inevitably wanted to see her son and granddaughter when they came back to Australia. Hopefully without her son's boyfriend.

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