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Brett stared at himself in the mirror as he waited for the water to heat up. He couldn't understand for the life of him why Belle would have a full length mirror in her bathroom. Why would anyone want to torture themselves like that?

Of course, it likely wasn't torture for Belle. She was beautiful, just like her brother.

Brett on the other hand... Well, let's just say that becoming a parent wasn't helpful for his figure. The way his stomach looked bloated, how obviously round his face was, how he had gotten what seemed to be the beginning of man-boobs and even how his wrists weren't as nice and delicate as they used to. It was all gross, and he couldn't understand how Eddy could stand looking at him or that the fans told him he was cute or handsome.

With a sigh he took his glasses off and stepped into the shower, letting the lukewarm water run down his cool skin. He was exhausted from his run, having given his all the entire way, even when the sky opened and poured down on him. Even when people started giving him looks and asking if he was okay as he ran past.

Crying because he wasn't attractive to his boyfriend anymore was normal, right?

He could see it in Eddy's eyes, how they always found the chubbier parts of him, how he sometimes gently pinched his fat while they kissed. It was as if he wanted to say something but didn't want to hurt him. Brett knew Eddy would swallow how he actually felt and bury it in the back of his mind until he exploded, he knew he wouldn't say anything even if pressured. That's why his solution was to fix the problem before Eddy exploded, before Eddy had time to find him too disgusting.

Brett grabbed the washcloth he had brought into the shower, stole some of Belle's way too fancy soap, and began scrubbing his skin clean. Looking and smelling fresh was all he had left, and he could at least keep that up. Eddy thought he was masturbating when he took these long showers, but he really just felt the need to be clean and smell nice. He needed to still be somewhat attractive to Eddy, and as Eddy had commented how he liked that he smelled fresh, that he liked touching his soft skin, that was one of the ways he was going to do it.

He jumped when there was a knock on the bathroom door, but quickly remembered he had locked it.
"What?" he squeaked, realizing he was about to cry when he spoke. He cleared his throat, trying to make it seem like the first squeak was just because of something in his throat. "What?"

"Just me, love," Eddy said softly from the other side of the door. "I'm just wondering if you're gonna be long? Elise kinda needs a new diaper, and we gotta change that in the bathroom."

"Give me five minutes," Brett said, grabbing some of his shampoo that he ha brought. "Sorry, should have checked her diaper before showering. Could have showered her as well."

"Don't worry about it, babe, I can shower her," Eddy said from the other side. "I need a shower anyway."

Brett listened as Eddy went back to the kitchen, and tried to hurry as a diaper spillage was a nightmare to deal with. His tears kept spilling over as he realized his plans of being nice and clean for Eddy was ruined. He just hoped it wouldn't fuck things up.

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