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Another few weeks passed and they had been on a few house showings. Ray and May had been babysitting Elise for the most part, but sometimes she had been at her grandparents' houses.

Today they were going to another showing, but hadn't found anyone to babysit so Elise was coming with them. Luckily, only they were scheduled to show up so they wouldn't disturb anyone else if she decided to throw a fit.

"Just throw everything in the car and let's go," Eddy sighed, as he watched Brett carefully pack everything into the diaper bag like he had been doing since she was born. It used to be endearing, but it was honestly a little frustrating when they had to be somewhere in thirteen minutes and he still had to recheck that they had everything. They would be gone for a few hours maximum. How bad could it go as long as they had one set of extra pants, wet wipes and a few diapers for her?

"Love, I know you're stressed," Brett said calmly as he realized they only had one diaper in the diaper bag to begin with. Two was the absolute minimum, in his head. "But telling me to hurry up with this is not helping. Make yourself useful instead and grab a few extra diapers while I check the rest."

Eddy opened his mouth to say something back, but decided against it. He was not after a fight, really. As he headed into Elise's room, he gave her a kiss to the head as he passed her in the high chair. She was placed there for convenience, but she looked like she'd rather be anywhere else.

"And baby powder!" Brett called out to him, which Eddy already had spotted next to the diapers. "Must've left it when I changed her."

"I got it here. We good to go then?" Eddy asked as he handed both items to Brett to go lift Elise out of the high chair. She happily clinged to him like a monkey.

"Dadaaa?" she asked softly, waiting for him to turn his attention to her. Once he did, she giggled and babbled about something. Eddy gave her a forehead kiss, but tufned back to Brett to wait for his answer.

"Yup," Brett finally said, lifting the bag off the table, and Eddy checked the time. Nine minutes.

"You'll have to explain why we're late," Eddy said with a sigh, going to the front door to get his and Elise's shoes on. She was getting pretty big on this walking thing, and was pretty much walking now if she got to hold onto someone, hence why the shoes were necessary.

"Do you not think a middle aged lady and a family man will understand that sometimes you can't get a babysitter?" Brett asked, shaking his head slightly. "And it's only like five minutes, anyway."

"You're probably right," Eddy sighed as Elise fought him because she did not want to put her shoes on. "Still feels pretty rude to keep them waiting, though."

"Fair," Brett agreed, heading out ahead of them to toss the diaper bag in the car.

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