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Brett had caught himself smiling like a goof in bed that morning as he ran his fingers through his boyfriend's - no, his fiancé's hair. The glimmer of white gold contrasted to Eddy's dark locks, and it made Brett’s heart skip a beat. It was crazy to think about how far they had gotten together, how their relationship had evolved.

He smiled like a goof again as he watched his fiancé bring their youngest son and eldest daughter into the kitchen, one sitting on his arm and one holding onto his hand. It was crazy how in love he was with his man, this handsome dad.

"Hey," Eddy purred in his ear, sneaking his arms around him from behind as he cleaned the dishes from their breakfast. His ring rested safely on the counter next to the sink. "Fiancé."

Their kids were playing nicely together for once, Elise showing the babies how to build a tower from their plush blocks in the living room. They could hear all three of them giggle and having a good time, giving Eddy a moment to check in with his man.

"Hey," Brett exhaled contently, leaning back against him. "I love that word."

"It's a fitting word, I think," Eddy purred, pressing a kiss tl Brett’s neck. "The second most fitting word to describe your relationship with me, I think."

"Only the second most?" Brett asked with a chuckle, shaking his head a bit and resuming the scrubbing of the pot they had made scrambled eggs with. It was Elise's favourite. "What would you prefer then? Boyfriend?"

"Hmm... that's a fitting one too," Eddy purred softly, nuzzling his face into his shoulder. "But not the one I'm thinking of."

"No? You gotta tell me then, love," Brett hummed, rinsing off the pot.


Brett's heart skipped another beat, and his cheeks warmed up. He felt like such a softie, being all shy around the man he had been the closest with for more than fifteen years. He just couldn't help it.

"It'll be a fitting title eventually," Brett whispered, his voice failing him. "It'll be amazing."

"It will," Eddy purred, squeezing his man. "It'll be wonderful."

"We'll both be mr Chen," Brett chuckled softly. "Or, at least if you'll let me take your name."

Eddy opened his mouth to answer that when his phone dinged, vibrating in his pocket. He planned to ignore it, but a moment later Clair de Lune, his ring tone, sounded and he was forced to figure out who it was.

"Oh, it's Ray. Video call," Eddy hummed, and Brett dried his hands off after putting the pot away.

"Put him on?"

Eddy leaned on the counter and pressed the green "accept call" button.
"Hey Ra...oh my god!"
He interrupted himself and grabbed Brett’s arm to pull him close so he could see what he was seeing: A beautiful little baby swaddled in a pink hospital blanket. They also recognized Sharkie resting on the plastic edge of the crib as to not be a choking hazard.

"Surprise, guys!"

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