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He woke up slowly as his back wasn't agreeing to his sleeping position anymore. They had been sleeping in chairs for two weeks now, as the hospital had no extra beds they could borrow, and Brett just couldn't get used to it.

Eddy was sleeping curled up in the other chair, snoring softly. Outside it was dark, only faint lights from the city illuminated the room with a dim orange glow. Brett missed falling asleep in Eddy's arms.

The boys were always more active at night, always making small sounds. Benjamin sometimes cried properly too, being a bit bigger and stronger than his brother. Little Aiden was still fighting, though. He had already grown so much, faster than his twin. Brett prayed he'd catch up soon, and the nurses had told them it looked promising.

The night shift nurse had been there at the start of her shift too, making sure the boys were okay and that they were okay. She had made a remark that made Brett's heart flutter, though. And that was the fact that Benjamin was getting close to what was considered a normal birth weight.

"You awake?" Eddy whispered next to him followed by a big yawn. Brett looked over at him in the dim light.

"Yeah," he whispered back with a small smile. "Chairs aren't my favourite sleeping spot."

"Not for me either. I miss our bed," Eddy whispered with a soft sigh. "Leonora is lucky she's going home today."

"Yeah, it's insane she had to stay in hospital for two weeks, though," Brett sighed softly, running a hand through his greasy hair. "I'm glad she's okay."

"Me too. Fuck I'd feel so guilty if she wasn't," Eddy chuckled softly, shaking his head. Brett smiled a bit, reaching over to take Eddy's hand.

"It wouldn't have been your fault anyway, though. It's not like you chose the complications," Brett smiled, intertwining their fingers. "I'm just happy you pushed me to have them, really. It feels like it never could be any oth..."

He paused when the sound of soft cries were heard from one of the incubators. Both turned their eyes over, trying to see what was wrong.

Both were shocked by the fact that Benjamin was still sleeping, and that the little one crying was actually Aiden. Their tiny little boy had finally becone strong enough for a proper cry.

"It's Aiden," Eddy squeaked, almost falling out of the chair because he was so eager to see him. Brett was no better, following Eddy to the incubator to see.

A moment later, his brother started crying too from the other incubator. Benjamin's cry was stronger, and it was almost funny to listen to as their voices were so similar.

"Shhh Benjamin, it's okay, it's just your brother," Brett said softly followed by a chuckle. He wished he could hold his baby boys to comfort them, but they couldn't until they were bigger. They did have a new weighing tomorrow, though.

"We have to tell the nurse, so they'll know..." Eddy sniffled, getting all emotional from this milestone their youngest had reached. Brett pulled him into a hug before he could step out of the room, though, forcing Eddy to relax against his smaller frame.

"Let's just have this for a moment, Eddy. Let's share this."


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