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May couldn't understand how it was possible that the cramps just kept getting worse. She felt dizzy from the pain that kept coming in waves, making her twist and turn in pain. Ray had thankfully eventually managed to fall asleep after some convincing on her part that the kids needed one of them to be in shape the following day.

She felt another wave of cramping roll through her, making her curl up and whine as quietly as she possibly could from how much it hurt. Her period could be bad, but never like this. Nothing had ever hurt like this before, really, which scared her. What if something was really wrong?

Waking Ray wasn't really an option, though. At least as long as she was able to keep it together and be quiet. She only had to deal with it until Brett and Eddy came to pick up the kids in the evening, right? Then she could have Ray drive her to get it checked out if it hadn't gotten better.

As the cramps got worse, they also got closer together. About an hour in and she had given up trying to sleep between them. Tears were streaming down her face as she fought to stay quiet, but she knew it was a losing battle. It would be better to go lay down in thr living room so she wouldn't wake Ray up with her pathetic squirming and crying. He needed the sleep if he was to take care of the kids tomorrow.

As one cramp let her go, she slowly sat up in bed to sneak out to the living room. She felt confident that if she moved quickly enough, she would make it before the next cramp, so she pushed herself to her feet and shuffled around the bed. Unfortunately, another cramp hit just as she got to the doorway, making her fold over in pain.

"Oh my god," she squeaked, as a moment later it felt like she lost control of her bladder all at once. There was no holding it in, and the pad she had put on to stop the period blood just a few hours before didn't help at all. The pain only got worse after that, making her release a pained and humiliated sob as she sunk down to her knees in the puddle that had formed around her feet. It was at this point she understood that something was terribly wrong.

"May mine?" Ray asked sleepily, looking around for her before finally spotting her by the door. The sight woke him up quickly. "Oh, May mine!"

He was out of bed faster than May could answer, his arms wrapping around her as she leaned in and cried into his shoulder. The cramp had let go, but the humiliation hadn't.

"I'm so sorry, I'll clean it up, I'll... Something is wrong, Ray, it hurts so much and... and... " May rambled in between sobs, shaking with pain at this point.

"Please let me call you an ambulance, May, please," Ray whispered, hugging her tightly. "I'll get Brett or Eddy to come get the kids and I'll be right with you, I promise, just please let me help you."

"Okay," May sniffled quietly, feeling the terror of having to see medical personnel shiver through her. "Promise you'll be there?"

"Promise," Ray said softly, kissing her quickly before standing up to grab his phone, relieved she finally agreed to have an ambulance come.

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