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When Brett came back home, Eddy had already gone to bed. Brett didn't even bother going to brush his teeth or anything before laying down on the bed with Eddy and pulling him into his arms. It was at that point he realized that his man wasn't asleep, but instead just lying there quietly with a dead look on his face. Brett kissed his forehead carefully.

"I talked a bit to Belle," Brett whispered to him, stroking his cheek carefully. Eddy glanced up at him for a moment before letting his gaze drop again. "I think I understand better now why Elise is emotional and acting up."

Eddy shifted a bit, looking like he was going to throw up from guilt. He swallowed hard before answering Brett.
"I think I understand too," he said, voice breaking halfway through his sentence. "It's because of the twins, isn't it? Because they take so much time?"

"Kind of. I just think..."

"It's my fault, then," Eddy concluded quietly, tears spilling over now. "For making you have the twins with me."

"What? No, Eddy mine, nonono," Brett said quickly, pulling his boyfriend into a tight hug as he broke down before him. "That's not it at all, babe."

"If it wasn't for the twins being born, she would be happy and you would be happy," Eddy sniffled shaking his head. He buried his face in Brett's chest, shaking slightly. "I'm so sorry, Brett. I fucked up so bad."

Brett sighed, kissing the top of Eddy's head.
"Please listen to me, Eddy. I wouldn't trade any of our kids for the world, okay?" he said softly. He felt Eddy open his mouth to say something, but he was quick to interrupt him. "We're still learning how to do this parenting thing, yeah? We just gotta figure out how to make this better."

Eddy got quiet, tears still staining Brett's shirt.
"It's not anyone's fault. We have the kids we have, we love our kids, we do our best. We just gotta figure this out," Brett repeated, stroking Eddy's back carefully. "I feel bad about not realizing it too, but now we know and can fix things."

"How are we going to fix it, then? The twins still need the attention," Eddy sniffled into Brett's chest. "I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I feel like I am with her all the time, but the Belle asked when I had a nice time alone with her and I couldn't think of any since the twins were in hospital and..."

"I think that's the clue. We gotta get better at being with her. We always get the babysitters to take Elise, but there's no reason why they can't take the twins, is there?"

"I can't imagine May wants to take on both of them, and our moms are too old to deal with that...?" Eddy half asked, shaking his head. He didn't think they could make it. Maybe if he didn't manage to somehow make twins it would've been easier? In other words, it came back to it being his fault.

"Send one to each sitter then. One at my mom's and one at yours," Brett said with a small shrug.

"Split them up?" Eddy asked, pulling back to look at Brett. It was obvious he thought that was a terrible idea. "We can't...? They've never been apart?"

"They gotta learn to be apart eventually anyway," Brett said furrowing his brows. "Don't you think?"

"Yeah, just... It feels wrong..." Eddy said quietly, shaking his head. He looked very uncomfortable with the idea. "I don't want to separate them."

"It'll help out with juggling the kids, though. And it'll probably be healthy for them too..?"

Eddy turned to lie on his back in the bed for a moment.
"I don't want to talk about this anymore," he said quietly. "Not now. I wanna sleep."

Brett sighed, shaking his head. He knew there was no point in trying to talk to him after that.

"Night, then. I love you," Brett said softly, placing a kiss to Eddy's cheek. "I'll get up if the twins stir tonight."

"Okay. Love you too," Eddy mumbled, rolling over to sleep with his back towards Brett.

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