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"Shh, it's okay, big sis just doesn't wanna go to bed yet," Eddy hummed to his youngest son who had woken up again, startled from Elise's screams. "But she has to, cause it's getting late."

He walked a bit back and forth in the dim room to calm him down, praying that Benjamin, who was in the next room, was sleeping still. At least he didn't share a wall with his sister.

Elise had really been kicking off lately and Eddy didn't know why. He figured it was just a combination of her growing to have a mind of her own and the change of scene that happened a bit too close together, and that it would be fine after a bit.
A few weeks in, though, he wasn't as sure anymore.

"Sounds like baba's giving up?" Eddy said softly to Aiden as he heard the door shut in the hallway. Elise's screams weren't quieting down, though, but that was on Brett today. They tried to swap dealing with her every other night as to not get completely drained emotionally.

Aiden yawned widely, trying to rub his eyes with small fists. Eddy kissed his forehead.
"It's okay, sweetie, just sleep. Daddy's got you," he hummed softly, rocking him gently.

Eddy watched him fight to stay awake for a bit, but thankfully he was able to ignore Elise's screams long enough to eventually drift off again. He felt so lucky to have him, this beautiful baby, in his arms and get this little quality time together with him. It was important to Eddy that they didn't feel like they were just 'the twins', but that they were Benjamin and Aiden sometimes too. That they each got the same amount of love, and that they didn't miss out on alone time with their parents just because they were born at the same time.

"I love you, little prince," Eddy whispered as he carefully placed him in his crib. He ran his thumb carefully over his chubby cheek before straightening up and taking a step back. He didn't want to leave this peaceful space, because he knew going out meant helping Brett get Elise to understand she had to sleep no matter what.

It wasn't that he didn't like putting Elise to bed, it was just that the litttle girl who slowly drifted off to bed while listening to Debussy with daddy or baba or sometimes both had completely disappeared. Even if they listened to the whole playlist she insisted on just one more hug, just a little bit longer or straight up begging to sleep in their bed with them.

Brett had asked Eddy to just let her, just to make her be quiet, but Eddy was worried. He was worried one of them would roll and crush her, or that she'd be dependent on sleeping there and that he'd never get any time alone with Brett again. Eddy wanted nothing more than for Elise to not cry before bed, but he couldn't risk her safety or their time for it.

"Hey," Eddy whispered to his boyfriend after moving out of the dim room and closing the door gently behind him. "How's it going?"

Brett just slowly turned to look at him, and Eddy felt his heart drop into his stomach when he saw him. It had gotten quiet now, but Eddy had heard the desperate cries for baba from the other side of that door. He knew how much it hurt Brett to hear.

"I can't do this anymore, Eddy," Brett sobbed, and Eddy just walked into him, pulling him into a tight hug. It only took a few seconds before Eddy felt the moisture from his boyfriend's tears stain his shirt. "I don't know what I'm doing wrong. She was an angel just a few weeks ago."

"Come, let's go to bed. We'll talk about this, come on," Eddy whispered softly, kissing his head before trying to move with him. Brett's shaking made it difficult, so after jyst a few steps, Eddy decided to pick him up in his arms like he had held Aiden just a few moments ago.

"I want her to be happy, Eddy, but she's just crying and I don't know why..."

"I want her to be happy too, love. Come on, we'll figure this out."

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