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Eddy listened as Brett loaded up the bedsheets in the washer. It was nice to stand under the warm water, feeling it run down his body, but all of him just needed Brett's soft touch. Needed it like air.

Thankfully it wasn't long until he felt Brett sneak his arms around his waist and pull him into a tight embrace.
"How are you feeling, love?" Brett asked softly, reaching up to stroke his cheek. "Any dizziness or...?"

"I'm okay, Bretty. Thank you," Eddy interrupted him, moving to get a look at Brett's head. He had taken the bandages off, and Eddy could see the damage for the first time. He gently pushed his hair aside and found the cut. It looked to head nicely, having formed a small scab now.

"It wasn't too bad, just difficult to put a band- aid on," Brett informed him quietly, tilting his head so Eddy could see better.

"You got a concussion, Brett, of course it was bad," Eddy mumbled, placing a careful kiss on his head before pulling him back into a hug. "You have to take care of yourself, Bretty, you're so so important."

"I try, Eddy," Brett sighed, hugging him back. "I try my best, but my mind sometimes make me do weird things. I feel better now, though. Still a vit round but... but if you were serious about going jogging with me..."

"We can do that," Eddy nodded, stroking Brett's back while Brett rested his head on his chest. "At least while we are in London and can ask Belle to babysit."

"Maybe when we get back we can be better at taking Elise out to the playground or... You know, so she can get some friends maybe," Brett suggested, looking up at Eddy. "I feel bad about having her indoors all the time, she's only ever out while Ray or the grandmas are babysitting."

"That sounds like a great idea, and we can do it together. We never do anything with her together," Eddy said with a small smile, pressing a kiss to Brett's forehead. "I'd love to see you push her on a swing or help her down the slide."

"Before you call us over for snacks?" Brett asked with a chuckle, taking Eddy's hand and intertwining their fingers. He closed his eyes for a moment to imagine it, and it was an amazing picture. "Sounds like a dream."

"Let's live the dream then, love. We can do that," Eddy grinned, kissing his boyfriend quickly. He had barely straightened up before Brett placed his arms behind his neck and pulled him down for a second, much longer kiss. Eddy couldn't help but chuckle against Brett's lips and leaning so much into it that Brett ended up with his back against the shower wall.

"I love you," Eddy exhaled against Brett's lips once they finally managed to break away to breathe.

"I love you too, Eddy mine, so so much," Brett grinned before pressing their lips together again.

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