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Brett began getting worried when Eddy shut himself back in the bedroom when he was done with his long shower. Thankfully, it was just about to be Elise's naptime.

"You ready for sleepies, Li-Li?" Brett asked with a soft chuckle when he caught her resting her head against the couch and closing her eyes. She opened her eyes slowly and looked up at baba for a moment before starting to cry. It was just a few snuffles first, but it slowly turned into proper sobs.

"Shh baby, it's okay, we'll go have some sleepies," Brett said, much softer now. He could understand getting emotional when you were sleepy. She clinged onto him like a little koala when he lifted her into his lap, so he just rocked her a bit there.

"Dada?" Elise asked quietly in between sobs, fighting to stay awake. Brett kissed her forehead.

"Daddy's having sleepies too, baby," Brett explained softly, wiping her tears gently with his thumb. He doubted Eddy was still sleeping, though, but she didn't need to know that. "I'll wake him up later when you wake up too , yeah?"

She didn't really answer, just sniffled quietly and rested her head on baba's shoulder. Brett just held her, gently stroking her back. He didn't have the heart to put her in her crib before she had fallen asleep.

Luckily, she ended up drifting off pretty quickly after that, and Brett stood up carefully and tiptoed into her room. Somehow, he managed to put her down without her waking up, and he switched the lights off and pushed her door almost closed like he always did.

Brett took a deep breath before moving to their bedroom door, pausing a bit outside. He hoped everything was fine, but something really felt off this time.

He knocked gently and peeked inside, finding the room dark and Eddy curled up on the bed, hugging a pillow and sniffling quietly.
"Eddy mine?" he asked quietly, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. Elise would be safe in her crib if she woke up. "You okay?"

Eddy shook his head slightly, but shifted to lie with his head in Brett's lap once he had sat down in bed next to him. Brett carefully ran his fingers through Eddy's still moist hair.

"Wanna tell me about it?" Brett asked softly, looking down at him. "It's something about the house?"

"We're not getting that house. They won't sell it to us," Eddy sighed, closing his eyes. Brett furrowed his brows.

"Why not? Did they get an amazing offer or..?"

Eddy shook his head, licking his lips. He wished he didn't have to tell Brett.
"Because the owner doesn't like us," he mumbled quietly. "And I suppose the real estate agent had no issues going with his decision."

"Doesn't like us?" Brett asked, confused. "What's that got to do with anything?"

"Appearently, it's ungodly and unnatural for us to raise a child together," Eddy explained quietly. "Gross for us to live together as boyfriends."

"The real estate agent told you all that?!" Brett asked, getting agitated. Eddy shook his head.

"No, but the owner did," he sighed quietly, sitting up in bed. Brett looked up at him. "I know I shouldn't let it affect me when people say shit like that, but..."

"Well, they're being homophobic assholes! They can't do that, can they?" Brett asked, getting frustrated. Why was it anyone's problem how they chose to live? "There's gotta be some law against discrimination like that..."

Brett began finding his phone, but Eddy stopped him by taking his hands.
"I just want to forget it. Please let's just... let's have some dinner or something? I'm sorry I just locked myself in here, it was stupid."

Closer 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora