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"Did you see how worried Ray was? Poor guy," Brett said softly once he got  to the bedroom after lulling Benjamin back to sleep. He had woken up the moment he was placed down into bed from all the changes in environment, which honestly was understandable.

"I just hopw May is okay," Eddy said softly as Brett pulled his pants down to step out of them. As he did, a little velvety bag fell out if the pocket and onto the floor. It took a moment to remember what it was.

"Oh, I still have this, by the way," Brett said softly, picking it up and offering it back to Eddy. He was really curious about what it might be, though.

Eddy looked over and smiled a bit.
"Oh, yeah... I'm not sure if you'd want to open it now," he said softly and a bit sadly before carefully taking it back. "With the heavy end to our date, I mean."

"Well, I don't know, because I don't know what it is," Brett hummed softly, picking up and folding his pants. "I think the next thing that needs to happen is me falling asleep in your arms, so if it's something that requires us to not do that, then..."

"It's not, I suppose..." Eddy interrupted softly. "I just... I really wanted to give it to you after a perfect day, that's all."

Brett turned to look at him, raising am eyebrow.
"That special, huh?" he asked softly, sitting down on the bed where Eddy was already half laid down.

Eddy nodded a bit, rolling over to put the velvet drawstring bag on the nightstand.
"Don't worry about it, though, we'll just save it for later," he said softly, making Brett tilt his head in curiosity.

"But now I'm really really curious, though," he asked, half laying on top of Eddy to pretend to try and steal it back. He was relieved to hear Eddy chuckle under him and trying to keep him from taking the little bag.

"Well, I can give it to you now if you want, I just know that I wouldn't want to be given this in bed," Eddy chuckled softly. "But I'll leave it up to you. What do you want?"

"Gimme," Brett grinned, leaning on his arms so he could see Eddy's face. "I'm curious."

"It's not gonna be like I planned it now, though... Are you sure?" Eddy asked softly, suddenly more serious. Brett furrowed his brows, trying to figure out what Eddy was trying to say. It took a moment, but suddenly it clicked.

"You are gonna...? But I thought I was gonna...?" Brett asked as a whisper, his voice failing from the emotional response that rolled through him.

"Well, it just... I... I... It felt more right like this, I guess, and I just want that... That proof, the reminder..." Eddy explained, looking up at his boyfriend. His gaze had changed from playful to unsure. "But if you don't want that, or if you wanted to do it..."

"No, no, this... this is perfect," Brett whispered softly, combing his fingers through Eddy's hair where he laid under him on the mattress. His eyes were sparkling with joyful tears as he leaned down and placed a kiss to his lover's lips. When he pulled back, Eddy's eyes sparkled just like his.

"I don't really have a... a speech or... Or anything prepared..." Eddy whispered with a small, nervous giggle. "I just got the ring and thought I'd improvise."

"It's okay, you can improvise," Brett chuckled softly, combing his fingers through Eddy's hair again. Eddy cleared his throat.

"Well, uh..." Eddy began, blushing. It was much harder when asked to. "You know I love you to the moon and back. You're my best friend, my partner and our lives are so intertwined now, there's no way I could ever spend it with anyone else."

Brett couldn't help but smile as he nodded. He knew that, and it made him the luckiest man in the world.
"I know, you're my best friend too. I'm so grateful for everything we have built together, and for the fact that you stuck out with me," he said softly, stroking Eddy's hair carefully. "I hope you know that too."

"I do," Eddy said softly, smiling up at him. "And because there's no way we're spending our lives away from each other, anyway..."
He took a deep breath, and Brett took the opportunity to lean down and place a soft kiss to his lips. Eddy smiled into it, and Brett pulled slightly back to let him continue.
"... I was wondering if you'd make me the luckiest man alive by marrying me?"

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