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"So, what colour dress today, baby? Gotta look good on camera, you know. Daddy and I gotta look like we have everything together," Brett said in a joking tone to Elise as he looked through her little suitcase with a selection of her dresses. She had probably a million, and they had considered selling some of the too small ones. That was before deciding on having another kid, though. Now everything was saved until they knew the gender. Brett didn't mind. He didn't really want to get rid of any of her dresses anyway. He knew, logically, that they'd have to at least out them away in boxes eventually, though.

Today they had decided to do another round of sightseeing up at Buckingham Palace with the camera running even though it was the day before her birthday party because the sun was shining for once. Ray would be joining them halfway through too as his plane had just barely landed, and then they would all have a little picnic with some cake and snacks.

"Let's do green today. You look cute in green," Brett hummed, pulling out one of the many dresses Ray had gotten for her. She didn't seem too unhappy with the choice, so he went with it.

"Wow you're cute today!" Eddy grinned to Elise when Brett carried her out of their room. "Baba's so good at dressing you!"

"Baba just picked a colour and a matching hair clip. We have a whole rainbow of clothes for her thanks to uncle Ray," Brett chuckled, kissing Eddy's cheek. "We ready to go?"

"Just about!" Belle grinned, putting the decorated cinnamon cake carefully in the basket. The box it was in should protect the decorations, but she was careful anyway as she had spent forever doing it. "Just gotta stop by the shop and get a candle. We managed to forget that, of course."

"Awesome, let's go then. Got the camera too?" Brett asked Eddy who got a 'oh shit'-face before half running into the living room to get the camera he had put to charge. Elise giggled watching daddy being funny.

"Is daddy being silly, huh?" Brett chuckled, kissing Elise's cheek. He loved how she scrunched up her nose when he did. "Forgetting both a candle for you AND the camera when half the point of going out is filming for your birthday? Silly daddy."

Eddy came back and childishly stuck his tongue out at them.
"As if you've never forgotten anything," he chuckled, packing the camera away in the basket as well. "I think that's everything, then. I'll take her diaper bag as well, just in case she'll need changing while we're out."

"So, I take Elise, Belle takes the picnic basket with the camera and you take the diaper bag?" Brett asked the others, getting affirmative nods and the older Chens lifting their respective items. He was very happy he got to hold on to Elise.

"Let's go, then," Belle grinned, opening the door so they could all head out.

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