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Eddy was proud. So very very proud. Today was their going home day, and he was all over the place with excitement. It was unbelievable that it had only been two weeks since they held Aiden for the first time.

If it wasn't for Brett squeezing his hand under the table while the doctors told them all they needed for the discharge he would be jumping up and down. He managed to hold it in long enough for the doctors to finish, long enough to get them dressed in their adorable, matching going home outfits, and long enough to strap them into the car seats.

"It's really happening!" Eddy squealed in the parking garage, bouncing a bit on the spot as Brett shut the car door. "They're coming home!"

Brett smiled, and pulled his boyfriend into a hug.
"We're gonna be a proper family again. It'll be amazing," he hummed, squeezing Eddy a bit. He quickly let go, though, not wanting to leave the boys alone in the car for long. "I love you so much, Eddy."

"I love you too," Eddy grinned, getting in on the passenger side. He was way too jittery to drive anyway.

Brett got in too, leaning over the mid console to kiss him quickly. Eddy happily obliged, his hand finding Brett's stubbly cheek. It made his stomach tickle, and his emotions go haywire.

"I love you, Brett. Thank you for sticking with me," Eddy whispered softly, eyes locking on Brett's. "You're wonderful. Really absolutely wonderful."


Elise was at home and grandma was there too! She had spent s few days at Grandma's house now, and it was super nice to be back home. Grandma had made some yummy noodles for them and she had learned a few new words in Grandma-language, which she thought was a lot of fun. She loved spending time with Grandma!

What was even better was that daddy had called on Grandma's phone and let them know that baba and daddy would be coming home very soon. The best part was that Grandma was almost as excited about it as she was, clapping her hands together and smiling as widely as she was. It was great to have someone to be excited with!

Elise was standing in the couch, leaning against the back and looking out the window to try and see baba and daddy's car. Grandma was holding her steady, which probably was for the best as the little girl was jumping up and down with excitement, but she was also paying attention out the window.

"There, look," Grandma said, pointing out the window and getting out of the couch. Elise squealed and jumped a bit with excitement, lifting her arms up for Grandma to pick her up. Grandma just lifted her off the couch instead, though, which Elise had been told was because she was becoming a big girl and Grandma was old and weaker than baba and daddy. "Let's go meet them in the door, come."

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