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Sitting by the phone and waiting to see if their bid had been accepted and hoping they had bought a new house for just barely above estimate was nerve-wracking. They knew another couple were bidding on the house as well, but their offer had been below estimate and they could easily bid above it.
Eddy felt almost dizzy where he was lying with his head in Brett's lap from the tension.

"This is too much," Brett exhaled, running his fingers through Eddy's hair. Elise had spent the night with Ray, which probably was for the better as she tended to cry a lot if the general stress level got too high.

"I know. This is almost as stressful as waiting for Elise on the waiting room," Eddy exhaled, looking up at Brett's little double chin that formed when he looked down. He thought it was adorable.

"Oh man, I'm gonna be a wreck for the twins," Brett said with a soft chuckle, shifting his hand to stroke his thumb over Eddy's cheekbone. "All that pressure to fall in love with them the moment I see them."

"You know you don't have to. It should be natural, and if you don't that's fine too," Eddy sighed, turning his head to hide his face in Brett's stomach. "I hope it will, though, that you'll feel like they're yours just like Elise is mine. I want to experience it with you."

"I know, baby. It'll work out anyway. Either I fall for them right away, or they'll grow on me," Brett said, running his tongue over his lower lip. "I already love them, but I love them because you love them and they're yours, not because they're mine, you know?"

"Yeah, I guess that's kind of the same as I felt with Elise," Eddy sighed, turning his head again. "I wish we didn't have to go through that, though, to have kids. That one of us has to feel like the kid's not his."

"I know, it sucks, but technology hasn't gotten quite there yet," Brett said, caressing his cheek. "I'm okay with the three we have gotten ourselves, though, if I'm honest."

"Yeah, no, I'm not saying we're gonna have more kids after the twins," Eddy chuckled softly, smiling up at his boyfriend. "I already got us one extra we didn't plan for."

Brett chuckled a bit at that, ruffling Eddy's hair.
"You did. I think that's alright, though. It feels right."

Eddy opened his mouth to answer, but was interrupted by the phone vibrating against the coffee table for a moment before the ring tone started. Brett leaned over Eddy to grab it, and had to take a deep breath before answering.

"Hello?" he asked, holding the phone to his ear. Eddy looked up at him, trying to read Brett's tone and face. It was of course impossible, as he was the master of the deadpan face. He figured from the fact that he didn't stop caressing his cheek that it wasn't bad news, at the very least. Maybe they had gotten a counter offer?

"Alright, thank you. Yeah, I'll talk to you later. Bye," Brett ended the call, putting the phone on the table. His face didn't give anything away, just making Eddy all the more nervous.

"What did they say?"

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