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"I think I'll try and take a hot shower," May said softly, having been curled up on the couch while Ray cleaned up after dinner and playtime and got all the kids to bed. She sounded all shaky, and Ray was worried about her. It sounded like her cramps were really bad.

"Want help with that?" Ray asked softly, definitely not meaning anything dirty with it. He just wanted to make sure she was okay. She still shook her head slightly and began sitting up slowly.

"No thank you, love. I'd like to be held in bed afterwards, though, if..."

She couldn't continue as another cramp took her. It felt like some really really bad gas that just wouldn't move through her system, and she couldn't stop her whimpers anymore. Ray carefully took her hand and gave it a light squeeze, not sure what else to do to help her.

It lasted only a short while until it let go again. May took a few deep breaths, worried that it would start up again if she moved. She figured a warm shower would help relax her muscles, though, so that she didn't tense up so much. At least it couldn't make it much worse, right?

"Want me to carry you out to the bathroom, then?" Ray offered, still just trying to help. He wanted to help, wanted to make her feel better. She shook her head again.

"If I can't walk out there, I can't stand in the shower either," May reasoned, slowly standing up. Slow movements and maybe it wouldn't come back. She felt okay now after it had cramped a bit. It came in waves, so she figured it would come back eventually. Or maybe not, if the shower did help.

"If you're sure, love," Ray said softly, watching her slowly make her way across the living room to the bathroom.

Something felt wrong to him. Very very wrong. He couldn't put his finger on it, couldn't make it make sense. They had been eating the same thing, so food poisoning or anything food related was out unless she had developed a sudden allergy or something. He had heard that gluten allergy could cause cramps like this, maybe? Or maybe that was lactose?

The bathroom door shut behind her, but she didn't lock it. She never did. They were comfortable enough to use the bathroom while the other showered in they needed to.

Maybe it was related to her illness before? Maybe it hadn't gone away, but just had stopped bothering her for a bit? What if it was something really dangerous?

"If she's not better by tomorrow morning..." Ray began to mutter out loud to himself, running a hand through his hair from stress. He knew she wouldn't approve of this plan he was forming because she didn't like going to the doctor. She hadn't told him everything, but something related to her father making a male physician check her for 'purity' from the age of thirteen. It definitely seemed like something that should be illegal when she told him about it. "...I'll take her to the emergency room to have her checked. Just to be safe."

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