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Things eventually calmed down a bit. Their talk lead of course to tears and worries, but it really helped to just know what made the other feel insecure. The week that followed wasn't perfect, but at least they talked.

"Should we do a video or something for Elise's birthday?" Brett asked quietly, resting his head on Eddy's chest. Elise was sleeping heavily in her travel bed, snoring slightly. In just a week and a half she'd be one year old. It was insane to think that she had been in this world for a full year.

"I mean, we could?" Eddy said, running a hand through Brett's hair. "Just gotta be careful about... What we put out..."

"Yeah, she can't exactly say yes or no. The only thing she can say is 'baba'," Brett chuckled softly, looking up at Eddy. "Unless she has told you something secret."

"Mm, no. We're practicing saying 'dada', though," Eddy chuckled softly, kissing the top of his head. "I think a video on the day would be nice, but the party should be private I think."

"It's not much of a party, though. The two of us, Belle and Ray," Brett chuckled softly, raising an eyebrow. "I still think it's suspicious that Ray just happened to play a concert in London the weekend after her birthday while we are here."

"Very suspicious, too much of a coincidence if you ask me," Brett chuckled softly. "How do you think he'll react to becoming an uncle again, though?"

"You know there's a chance it might not work, right? We don't even know if my... if my swimmers work at all..." Eddy stuttered, blushing as he said it. Brett shrugged slightly.

"I know, but I've just got a feeling," Brett shrugged, tilting his head back to kiss his cheek. "I think it'll be a good thing, I really do. I'm still nervous about all the stuff we've talked about, but... but it's gonna be a good thing."

"Yeah? You're sure?" Eddy asked, resting his chin on top if Brett's head. "You're sure I'm not making you do this with me?"

"I'm sure," Brett exhaled, closing his eyes. "We just need to get good systems for talking things out and some structure. With two kids we can't just wing it anymore, we have to plan filming and practicing and stuff."

"I agree. I'm gonna miss that freedom, I'll admit that," Eddy mumbled, closing his eyes too. It was getting late and Elise would definitely wake them early tomorrow. "But I think it'll be worth it."

"I hope it will, Eddy mine," Brett hummed softly. "I hope I'll be able to be properly excited about it once we have it confirmed and all that."

"You know, I wasn't really excited until the last few weeks with Elise," Eddy said, kissing the side of Brett's head. "It's okay if you're not excited, I just need you to be sure you want to do this."

"I'm sure," Brett nodded, followed by a yawn. "We should sleep, though."

"We should. Good night, love."

"Night, babe."

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