Chapter 42

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Chapter 42 The Crazy Pursuit from the Hero 17

    In an instant, the figure of the demon sect leader whom he had seen twice in the night outside the gate came to mind.

    Ji Shaoyou felt that he was really stupid. The master he met in that kind of place was the master he met after chasing the demon sect master into a room? He had never thought of it?

    Yan Ge was waiting for news in Tianjin Wei's inn, and the helmsman Sun Fen hurried back and said respectfully in front of Yan Ge: "Ji Shaoyou plans to go back to Yangzhou by water, and the boat has been booked."

    "Oh." Yan Ge Nodding his head, he said, "Then let's book a boat too. Walking by water is much more comfortable than riding a carriage."

    "Yes." The helmsman was going downstairs to the dock.

    "Wait." Yan Ge stopped the sub-helmsman and said, "Have you figured out which ship Ji Shaoyou decided on? Send a teenager to the ship, and the plan remains the same."


    The next day In the morning, Ji Shaoyou led the horse to the boat, and Yan Ge and the people of the Demon Sect packed a luxury boat, and the leader must not be wronged.

    The boat is a sea route, and then it will travel from the Yangtze River to Yangzhou.

    Ji Shaoyou was taken into the best room on the ship. After he put down his luggage, he waited at ease to go to sea. After a while, the bow knocked on the door and came in, and brought a plate of fruits and candied fruit over to please: "If you need anything, please tell me, don't be polite."

    Ji Shaoyou took the tray with a smile and thanked him. Then he said: "I suddenly don't want to go to Yangzhou, can you take me to Hangzhou?"

    "No problem." The bow thought, and said, "Are you going to see the leader?"

    Ji Shaoyou smiled and nodded, The head said: "That's a good feeling. When you go to see the leader, you must greet the leader for me. It's thanks to God who taught me that this business on the water has gone so smoothly."

    At the same time, a young man also got on the boat, and his room Just across from Ji Shaoyou.

    As the sail was pulled up, Chuan also slowly left the pier.

    Yan Ge's boat is not in a hurry to set off. Their boat is big and the sail is big, so they go faster, so they are not in a hurry to set off.

    In the afternoon, the helmsman Sun Fen became seasick. He went out and vomited several times. After he vomited, he came to care about Yan Ge, "Do you want to vomit? My subordinates have someone bring sour plum juice here."

    Yan Ge looked at him. The appearance is simple, he waved his hand in disgust: "Will you go back to the room and lie down? I'm not seasick, I feel uncomfortable when I see you."

    "That subordinate... vomit... retire..."

    Ji Shaoyou over there The teenager has been quietly observing Ji Shaoyou, ready to complete the task given to him by the leader at any time. At night, the bow of the boat asked Ji Shaoyou to go to dinner, and the boy took the opportunity to follow him out the door.

    The boat is in charge of the meal, but only if you pay for it. Ji Shaoyou's meal was of course invited by the bow of the boat. He set up a table in the dining room for a long time of good dishes and invited few to eat. "Young master, you don't come to the beach often, do you? Try seafood today."     Ji Shaoyou took his seat politely, and the teenager took a step behind and shook it three times, and finally walked to Ji Shaoyou's side. At this time, a wave came, and the whole boat swayed, and now there is no need to pretend, and the young man fell unsteadily to the side. At the same time as he fell down, the young man said in his heart that it was fine, Ji Shaoyou was an ancient and warm-hearted chivalrous man, he would definitely save himself, so that he could successfully approach Ji Shaoyou.     Ji Shaoyou, who was holding the cup, did see the boy, but before he could make a move, the bow of the boat on the opposite side reached out his hand as fast as lightning, and the boy was taken into his arms by him.     "Why are you so careless?" The     young man was stunned, no, I didn't want to approach you, what's the matter with you?     He was shocked and angry, stared at the bow of the boat for a while, and suddenly vomited with a thud in his stomach.     Ji Shaoyou immediately closed his eyes and held his breath, feeling that he couldn't eat anymore.     "Oops." The bow of the boat disliked it. "What boat are you on for seasickness? Why are you running around?"

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