Chapter 72

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Chapter 72 Don't Do This, Teacher 10

Jiang Jiang was very sad and angry in his heart. He wanted to leave like this and quit all games from now on. But as soon as he moved, the ring box he put in his pocket caught him. At that moment, he couldn't control himself, and said to the little fairy: "You lied like this, won't your conscience be disturbed?" The

little fairy looked at Jiang Jiang and blinked, not knowing what to say. He felt that if he said at this time that his conscience had no reaction at all, the brother in front of him might explode in place.

Jiang Jiang is his own brother, Yan Ge is of course towards him, but the fact is that he can't help Jiang Jiang to beat others together, right? The attitude of others is also good, and it is too ugly to fight in public.

So Yan Ge said: "Don't be like this, why don't you go back to the company first?"

"I won't go back." Jiang Jiang glared at the little fairy angrily, and said: "Since you are a fake, why do you still come to Mianji? Why don't you? Have you been cheating all the time?" The

little fairy thought for a while and said, "Because I really want to see frogs, and... in this day and age, isn't it normal that the real person doesn't match the photo? I already made it when I came here. The frog is actually a The 200-pound fat man is ready."

Jiang Jiang frowned, "Why do you think Frog is a fat man?"

"Because he plays games all day." The little fairy said: "If you stay at home for a long time, you will get fat, I think my reasoning. It still makes sense."

Jiang Jiang rolled his eyes angrily, and the little fairy laughed: "Brother, you are so irritable, no girl should like you, right?"

This sentence successfully stabbed the hornet's nest, Jiang Jiang directly Standing up, he reached out and grabbed the collar of the little fairy. Yan Ge also stood up and stopped between the two, "Speak well, you can't beat him..."

Jiang Jiang: "He deceives people too much! I won't fight with him!"


" What's the matter with me?" Yan Ge, who was in such a bad way, also ran wild, "I'll kill you all!"

In the end, the three of them were kicked out of the restaurant, and Jiang Jiang took a taxi away with a black face. The little fairy stood on the side of the road with her face covered, and said to Yan Ge, "Brother, you are good at it."

Yan Ge also covered his face, "Humph!"

"But I am puzzled." It is him, why are you only chasing after me to fight?"

"He is my brother, I can't do anything to my brother." Yan Ge said: "I can only beat you to vent my anger."

This reason is impeccable, the little fairy accepted her fate. Then he said: "Actually, I never thought that things would turn out like this."

Yan Ge raised his eyebrows and looked at the little fairy, the little fairy sighed and said, "Is he actually a frog?"

"... Mmmm." Yan Ge nodded, "Did you see it all?"

"Actually, as soon as I saw the two of you, I thought he was a frog, and I was surprised when he said you were a frog." Little Fairy Say so.

Yan Ge wondered: "Why? You know him?"

"I don't know." The little fairy looked up at the gray sky, "But I just have a feeling."

Yan Ge nodded, covering his face and said: "That's it, I still have something to do, see you by fate."

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