Chapter 88

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Chapter 88 Secrets of Interstellar Prisoners 11

Mars Prison, inside the Warden's Office.

There were two people sitting at the dining table and enjoying their lunch attentively. One of them was wearing a prison uniform, with a handsome face and a nonchalant demeanor. This person was Yan Ge.

Yan Ge put the last piece of steak into his mouth. Opposite him sat a man in his fifties with shiny black hair and a beautiful moustache above his lips.

Yan Ge began to enjoy dessert, and the middle-aged man with a mustache said: "Just hold on for two more days, I'm basically ready, and you can go out in two days."

"Yeah." Yan Ge nodded. Said: "Actually, the prison is pretty good. The only thing that makes me uncomfortable is that the clothes I wear are really ugly."

The corner of Moustache's eyes twitched, and he said: "Are you upset now? Who made that decision in the first place? I saw that you were quite happy."

After being criticized, Yan Ge smiled shyly and said, "I was young and frivolous at that time..."

"Damn!" The mustache's manly beard began to tremble, "That's just It was three months ago!"

Yan Ge left the warden's office after drinking and eating. The main reason why he was able to let the moon go so happily at the time was that there was a family behind his identity. At most, doing such a thing as a private release would just lose the position of the warden, and then go to the prison for a period of time to walk through the scene, and it would not cause him any irreparable damage.

What's more, the moon had already fallen into the hands of hostile forces at that time. If he didn't let him go, it was estimated that he would have to die there.

Yan Ge Xin said that this is fine, he didn't want to stay in the prison on that remote planet all the time, just took this opportunity to leave. In two days, he will be able to leave Mars and go to Earth. It is time to think about how to reunite with the moon.

Yan Ge wandered all the way and finally returned to his cell. The cell was clean and there were three roommates. In fact, as long as Yan Ge wanted to, he could live in a cell by himself. But he felt that the time in prison was too difficult, so he asked his uncle, the warden, to arrange three hygienic prisoners to live with him, and they could play cards or something together at night.

This is the Mars Prison, the largest cosmic colony of the people on earth. The management system in the prison is very perfect, and it is completely different from the Penitent Prison.

As soon as Yan Ge returned, the three roommates glanced at his flushed face and knew that the warden had opened a small stove for him again. The same is in prison, why is his background so awesome?

Yan Ge showed a friendly smile at his roommate, and said, "Do you play cards? If you lose, please eat pie."

The temptation of pie is endless. At three times, he immediately rolled up his sleeves and rounded his arms, and he was just waiting to be killed. Yan Ge did not leave a piece of armor. While playing cards, Jimmy, a roommate

with glasses, said: "Today a new person came, and it is said that there are people above, and they were placed in a single room as soon as they arrived."

What's the matter? Do the rich people like to go to jail these days? It has something to do with it, why don't you want to get out of the crime, don't you feel guilty in prison?"

Yan Ge's expression was a bit vicissitudes, and he said: "Of course it is good to be able to get out of the crime, but There is really no other way, so I can only find a way to live comfortably in prison." The

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