Chapter 43

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Chapter 43 Crazy Pursuit from Heroes 18

    Yan Ge watched Ji Shaoyou walk towards him step by step, and finally sat down beside him. His mind was frozen for a few seconds, and the next second he looked around, "Where's the helmsman Sun Fen?"

    Immediately someone said : "The helmsman is still lying on the bed."

    Yan Ge closed his eyes, feeling that he was about to be overwhelmed by a sense of despair that no one could rely on.

    Then he opened his eyes again, what are you afraid of? He did nothing wrong!

    From the beginning of contact with Ji Shaoyou to the time when he separated from him not long ago, he didn't do anything bad from the beginning to the end. Is there a good conscience? An upright person like himself should never be guilty!

    Thinking of this, Yan Ge suddenly became more assertive, his back became straighter, and his eyes became firmer. Yan Ge looked at Ji Shaoyou coldly and said, "Why are you here?"

    Ji Shaoyou said, "I should ask you this question? Why are you here?"

    "Joke." Yan Ge said: "This is It's my boat, why can't I be here?"

    "You know that's not what I meant." Ji Shaoyou said, "You've been following me, right?"

    "Who's following you?" Yan Ge said without blush: "Why did you appear on my boat?" "I saw you last night." Ji     Shaoyou said: "I was blowing on the deck, and I happened     to

    see you coming out to blow." This kind of exposure, Yan Ge never imagined. And Ji Shaoyou's answer made him uncertain whether Ji Shaoyou already knew his true identity.     The next moment Ji Shaoyou put a jade pendant on the table, he stared at Yan Ge unblinkingly, "Can you explain to me why the dignified demon sect leader will follow me under the pseudonym An Ri. by your side?"

    Yan Ge looked at the jade pendant and regretted it. There were so many ways to pretend, why did he choose this one? He quickly adjusted his facial expression, intending to make a fool of himself, "If I said that during that time, I was injured and lost my memory, would I have met you by mistake?"

    "What do you think?" Ji Shaoyou patted the table, "If you lose your memory, will you break into someone else's house in the middle of the night to borrow someone else's house?"

    ... He knows all this?

    When the surrounding believers saw that someone dared to pat the leader's table, their hair stood on end in anger, and they were about to rush up to dry with a brushed knife.

    Yan Ge snorted and said, "Go out!"

    "Sect Master!" The disciples were filled with righteous indignation.

    "Don't you understand what I'm saying?" Yan Ge frowned, "Get out now!" The

    leader's words could not be disobeyed. Even if they didn't want to, they still exited this layer. Of course, they were not worried. The leader of martial arts is unparalleled in the world, and it is definitely no problem to clean up this scumbag first.

    After everyone went out, Yan Ge calmed down a little, and the absence of his subordinates was more conducive to his performance. In the eyes of Ji Shaoyou questioning, Yan Ge showed a slappy expression that I disdain to explain to you: "I'm happy, what do you think of this explanation?"

    "What?" Ji Shaoyou looked at it in disbelief Yan Ge, "What did you say?"

    "I said I'm happy." Yan Ge raised his chin slightly and said arrogantly: "My life is too boring, I just happened to meet you on the drug and thought it was interesting, so I wanted to tease you. Can't you just play?"

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